In the kitchen cannot do without flour, sugar and healthy fats. Get your therefore, the stocks of icing sugar and crystal sugar, smooth, polohrubou and coarse flour of wheat, spelt, or whole wheat, and the fats in the form of margarines, butter and vegetable and animal oils.

- bakery - production - sale - Production of bakery, confectionery and gingerbread products

Sales, service: - SDS plus and max tools, tools. Wholesale: -food, agricultural products, retail: -food, vegetables, charcuterie.

Sale - raw materials for bakers and confectioners

Production - raw and boiled peeled potatoes - raw peeled onions, carrots and cabbage - all vacuum packed Domestic transport - flatbed tarpaulin 13.5 x 2.4 x 2.2 - isotherm 13.5 x 2.5 x 2.8 Wood material - delivery - purchase - sales Saw, wood impregnation Business activity wood

Bakery Production: Common pastries: - bread (bread) machine-made - specially handmade breads -rolls -ages, bulks -cereal pastries -pastries - soft pastry filled -strudels, cakes -fine pastry not filled -Christmas, peelings - puff pastry products - products from plundered dough - snack bars, salty ...

Sale - wheat and rye flours Production - wheat and rye flours Sale - Bicycles Service - Bicycles Production and sale - bran

Retail, sales: - food - drugstore - grocery store.

Wholesale: - food - drinks - tobacco products

Wholesale: - foodstuff - drinks - tobacco products - smoking and hygiene needs. We supply branded hard alcohol, liqueurs, wine, mineral and table waters, sweets, chewing gum, cigarettes, phone cards. Daily deliveries for up to 1400 customers.

Wholesale - drinks Wholesale - food Retail - food - drinks Wholesale and retail - tobacco