From the rich range of dairy products, such as fresh and long-life milk, fruit and white yogurt, butter, hard or soft cheeses, low-fat cream, delicate and classic curds, whipped cream, and chooses absolutely everyone. Quality products from vendors and manufacturers.

Zelena zahrada
Retail, sale: -professional and hobby products for the garden, house and workshop, forestry equipment -grass electric mowers -motor gasoline lawn mowers -brushcutters, trimmers -garden tools - sprayers, branch shredders, leaf vacuum cleaners, electric hedge trimmers, hand tools, submersible pumps, domestic waterworks, compressors, plastic ...
Zemedelske druzstvo vlastniku Frystak Repase vymeniku tepla susaren obili
Woodworking: -massive products working -wooden section moldings Metal processing: -locksmith's products. Production: -aluminium slats/ strips for external thermal insulation of buildings -work gloves. Repair, service: -engine-pump sets for the freight vehicles and tractors -heat exchangers for grain drying rooms -grain drying ...
ROLS Lesany, spol. s r.o. Zemedelska skupina ROLS
ROLS Lesany, spol. s.r.o. is a company from the Czech Republic, a member state of the European Union. It is a grower and also processor of blue poppy and caraway. We focus on sale, including distribution in the whole Czech and Slovak Republic and also abroad. Wholesale, export, crop farming: - Blue poppy - Caraway - Production of blue poppy ...
Potraviny Nova Paka Ladislav Knap - Anton
The Nová Paka - Ladislav Knap food retail store offers a wide range of food and non-food goods. You will find fresh pastries, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, cold cuts, soft drinks, drugstores and cleaning products. We are located on Komenského Street in Nová Paka. Offer of our store, retail sale: - food - bread, pastries - pastries, ...
Uzenarstvi ML Kratochvil spol. s r.o.
Uzenářství ML Kratochvíl spol. s r.o. is engaged in the production and sale of meat products and cheeses. We focus on the production of our own sausage products and we process all products only from quality meat. Production, wholesale, sale: - sausage products - sausages, hams, hams, sausages, ... - cheeses. Opening hours: - Monday ...
Zemedelske druzstvo Smilovy Hory
The agricultural cooperative manages 1154 ha of agricultural land, of which 859 ha are arable land and the remaining 295 ha are permanent grassland. The farmed land is distributed in a total of 6 cadastral territories of municipalities - Smilovy Hory, Stojslavice, Radostovice, Malý Ježov, Velký Ježov and Těchobuz II. As part of livestock ...
Meclovska zemedelska, a. s. rostlinna a zivocisna vyroba
The company Meclovská zemědělská, a. S. Focuses on plant and animal production. As part of animal production, we are engaged in the breeding of Holstein cattle and pigs. We also grow wheat, rape, barley, spring cereals and corn. With its cultivated area, our company is one of the largest agricultural enterprises in the Pilsen region. You can find ...
Regionalni vyrobky - Alena Krasovska
Regional products - Žaneta Zbořilová operates an online store with regional products from Moravia and Silesia. In our assortment you will find respirators, drapes, baby diapers, decorations, healthy nutrition, teas, potato chips, dried fruit, chocolate, seasonings, wines, dried meat, honey and much more. Eshop - regional products: - respirator ...
Jaromericka mlekarna a.s.
The history of the Jaroměřická dairy dates back to 1937. We prepare our curds, cheeses, butters and traditional spreads from milk from local farmers and according to traditional recipes. We rely on the fact that they reach you fresh and without unnecessary chemicals. We rely on traditional production and quality raw materials. We buy milk ...
Farma Tompeli Tomas Pelikan
We are a family farm with more than 20 years of history, which deals with: - milk processing - production and sale of dairy products of cows' milk own resources. You can find our store at Huntířov 100, Železný Brod. Our products: - dairy products from cow 's milk - raw milk - yoghurt - steamed cheese - Fresh white Balkan-type cheeses - ...
Ekofarma Jedlova
Ekofarma Jedlová Václav Sedláček is engaged in organic cattle breeding and growing grain in organic quality. We also have our own hunting area with the possibility of catching game and we offer pasture owners mowing and harvesting permanent grassland. We are based in Okrouhlá near Cheb. Livestock production, organic farming:  - breeding cattle ...
Production: -processed cheeses triangles 180 grams (6x30g) wholesale packaging shrink film 30 boxes Mayor 45/52 Highlands 60/50 Vysočina ham 50/45 Apetitto 70/50 Tomík 60/45 Rex 70/50 Fit 30/35 Cream 45/40 Želetavský melted 35/35 Katka 50/40 Želetavan 70/50 Apetitto Light 20/32 ...

Farm Cart: - bio farm - sheep breeding - frying potatoes, cereals, fruits, vegetables - agrotourism Accommodation, services: - guest house - restaurant