In brick and mortar stores and online stores can be purchased consumer goods sorted into the categories of textile, stationery, books, cosmetics, drugstore, pet supplies, food, toys, painting supplies, gardening supplies and many more.

Plastering work Accounting management Cleaning and cleaning services Advertising and promotional activity Copying and reproduction services Painting, painting and glass work Rental of motor vehicles, machines and equipment Business consulting in the field of business Provision of data services - internet reading room Earth, demolition, ...

Feed production Realization of constructions and their changes Preparatory work for the construction Mediation of trade in the scope of free trade Brokerage activity in the scope of free trade Finishing works in the implementation of exteriors and interiors Services for plant production, animal production without veterinary services Retail ...

Metal machining Welding work Locksmith work Processing and surface treatment of metals Preparatory work for construction, demolition and earthworks Mediation of trade, production and transport in the scope of free trades Purchase of goods for the purpose of its sale to the final consumer (retail) in the scope of free trades Purchase of ...