You need to install the wiring or let it perform a periodic electrical inspection? Electrical work shall include the involvement, control or revision, approval of, or any consultation and subsequent repair. Entrust your electrical network of professionals.

Construction work: - turnkey constructions - reconstruction and repairs of buildings - electrical installations, including revisions - road transport.

Activity - technical management of buildings - Facility management - technical equipment of buildings - construction and reconstruction of buildings.

Assembly, repair: -all electrical installation work -repairs and reconstruction of housing stock low-voltage distribution -electric heating -direct heating connectors -radiant panels -heating mats -direct electric boilers and panels -chromo conductors -electrical revisions.

Integration, implementation, sales, repair, service: - software, software products - production management and planning, project management. Comprehensive engineering, design, delivery: - state-of-the-art turnkey technology in the areas of: - electro - technological high current, regulated drives - MAR regulation measurement systems ...

Assembly, maintenance, repairs, projections, revisions: - electrical installation without voltage drop - electrical revisions - fire protection of penetrations - EZS, EPS - structured network - intelligent KNX wiring - smart Eaton wiring - construction activity - air conditioning. - lightning rods.

Electrical installation - - system wiring - smart home wiring

Services: - electrical installation - home automation - electrical revisions