You need to install the wiring or let it perform a periodic electrical inspection? Electrical work shall include the involvement, control or revision, approval of, or any consultation and subsequent repair. Entrust your electrical network of professionals.

Electrical revisions: - electrical equipment without voltage restrictions, including electrical hand tools and electrical appliances. Projection - electrical: - high voltage (HV) and low voltage (LV). Calculations and settings of HV protection.

Construction, building activity: - turnkey constructions - construction of houses on a turnkey basis - construction of civil and industrial buildings - ecological buildings - land and industrial buildings - transport, water management and demolition structures - construction of roads including a layer of asphalt concrete - ...

Electrical - design, supply, assembly, revision. Production - electrical switchboards. Work: - electrical installation - electrical installation (weak and strong current). Complex supply and assembly - measuring and control technology.

Production, assembly, service: - camera systems - complete low-current distributions - optical networks - EZS-electronic security signaling - EPS-electronic fire alarm system - digital records.

Traper Elektro s.r.o. Ostrava performs electrical installation work and services. Assembly, repairs, revisions, tests: - electrical equipment - gas appliances - revision of low and high voltage, electrical appliances. Production, installation, repairs: - electrical machines and devices - electronic and telecommunication ...