You need to install the wiring or let it perform a periodic electrical inspection? Electrical work shall include the involvement, control or revision, approval of, or any consultation and subsequent repair. Entrust your electrical network of professionals.

Activity: - wiring - electrical installations

Activity: - energy audits, electromagnetic compatibility measurements - installation and inspection of dedicated electrical equipment - training of professional competence in electrical engineering

Jaroslav Vyšata supplies turnkey lightning conductors including an inspection report. We offer you - assembly, repair, revision of lightning rods - free shipping (assembly throughout the Czech Republic) - free quote. We will install the lightning rod on: - family houses - residential houses - kindergartens, schools - churches - halls ...

Work: - electrical installation - electrorevision - construction of public lighting.

Work: - construction -insulating -electrical installation - plumbing - heating

Construction activity: - family houses - reconstruction - residential cores - plasterboards - masonry work - electrical installation - water installation - heating industry - painting works

All electrical installation and assembly work, contractual emergency and service services, electrical inspections. equipment and lightning rods.

Electrical installation Construction - pumps Repairs - pumps Plumbing

Construction: - engineering constructions - cable and gas lines -sewerage -water reservoirs and wastewater treatment plants -modification of water courses - water pipes - outdoor LV distributions -lock paving. Earthwork. Wastewater treatment. Reinforcement of road surfaces. Terrain and park improvements. Decontamination of ...

We carry out all electrical installations, including reconstructions and repairs. We provide applications and revisions for existing and new subscriptions. We offer assembly and repair of home telephones.