The most frequently used insulating job is insulation of houses, using insulating materials. Insulation work shall include the insulation of flat roofs, garden ponds, balconies, terraces and reservoirs. Less typical insulation are insulation against pressure water or against radon.

TRANS-REGION-STATUS is a construction, transportation and trading company. Our services: - turnkey construction of civil, industrial and water constructions - reconstruction of buildings including PSV - repair of concrete structures, coating of concrete and steel structures, dry and wet guns - reconstruction of industrial and civil floors ...

The company STŘECHY KAPP - Jaroslav Mráz deals with complex carpentry, roofing and plumbing work. We offer not only the implementation of new roofs, but also their reconstruction and repairs, including thermal insulation. We also carry out the custom production of plumbing elements, the production of trusses and the assembly of steel structures ...

Jobs, services: - flat and sloping roofs - insulation of attic spaces - ground insulation, waterproofing - masonry work - plumbing work - locksmithery Branch: Prague, Between the Waters 1955

Repairs and reconstruction of flat roofs - repairs of flat and pitched roofs - repairs to balconies and terraces - tiling works - warming up.

Building insulation. Thermal insulation of hot pipes, exchangers, tanks and central heating.

Activity: - construction of a wooden building - production of trusses, trusses - isolation - carpentry - production of wooden packaging - crane works - domestic and international freight transport - organic waste collection and green maintenance

Work: - carpentry - masonry - tiling and paving - warming up - roofing

Reconstruction and modernization of apartments, houses and roofs. Construction of new houses. Plumbing and roofing work. Carpentry work. Construction work - insulation work - masonry work - carpentry work. Sales, assembly - roofing - roof foil - wood, battens - insulating materials - masonry materials.

Activity, work: - construction and reconstruction of roofs - plumbing, roofing - carpentry - locksmith - construction of family houses and civil buildings - isolation - ground and excavation work Sale: - plumbing elements - roof accessories - fasteners - tools - construction chemistry

Work, services: - housing stock maintenance - earthworks - heating, plumbing - insulation of buildings - painting, painting

Work: - core drilling - plasterboard - painting - insulation of facades - reconstruction of housing cores

Work: - construction - covering - joinery - wooden buildings -reconstruction of roofs

Construction, construction: - administrative and business centers - industrial objects -residential houses -reconstruction -isolation - turnkey buildings -buildings, superstructures

Construction and height work - roof repairs - anti-corrosion protection of structures - fireproof coatings - rehabilitation - reconstruction and repair of monuments - cutting down trees - pest control coatings.

Work, services: - technical assessment of all building structures - rehabilitation of buildings, long-term anti-corrosion protection - completion of construction by foreign contractors HSV, PSV - insulation of buildings - revision activities in the field of electricity, lightning conductors, etc.

Work: -surface protection of materials -coatings of industrial structures - rehabilitation of concrete structures - construction of family houses on a turnkey basis - facade insulation systems -blasting surfaces - maintenance of protective belts - transport and earthworks -green to savings.

Earth, masonry and demolition work. Reconstruction and construction modifications of buildings - construction of family houses - insulation of buildings - demolition work - moisture remediation of objects - laying interlocking paving - construction of sidewalks.

Work: -reconstruction of roofs - height work -reconstruction of the perimeter shell and balconies -isolation

Construction work: - construction of family houses. - reconstruction of family houses. -insulation of buildings. - plasterboard works. Services: - processing of project documentation.

Activity: - project documentation - wooden buildings - brick buildings - blown insulation - green subsidy to savings

We are a small construction company focused on low-rise buildings. Insulation, reconstruction, tiling, laying interlocking paving. We also do apartment reconstruction, core, stucco, painting, tiling. We are on contract prices, so we always agree to the satisfaction of both parties