Locksmith work includes installation of door panels and their repair, replacement of locks, opening slammed apartments, vehicles and safes, installation of security features, the installation of safety systems and additional services related to the door locks and property protection.

Activity - locksmith work - production of steel structures - production of pressure vessels - assembly and welding of steel pipes.

SALVATOR ROOFS is a reliable supplier of all materials and accessories for the construction and reconstruction of roofs. Visit our branch in Ostrava, where you can choose from a wide range of quality roofing and materials for the construction and reconstruction of roofs. Through a 12-branch sales network, it provides sales and distribution of ...

Locksmithing, metal production - steel constructions - gates, sliding gates, railings, grilles.

Locksmith AGM plus - production and installation of railings, garage doors, entrance gates.

International and domestic transport excessive costs Demolition and high-rise buildings Excavation work of the JCB machine Production, assembly - steel constructions Welding work Locksmith work

Activity, work: - construction of hot water and steam pipelines - transfer station - plumbing - heating - earthworks, demolition - locksmithery - utilities - MaR

Sales, production: - folding stairs to the attic. - locksmithery.

Work: - welding - locksmith - production, installation of fences, gates

Plumbing and roofing work: - repair of flat and sloping roofs - replacement of gutters and downspouts - sheeting of chimneys - installation of skylights. Minor locksmith work.

Construction: - plasterboard structures, Knauf plasterboard, Rigips - plasterboard ceilings - mineral ceilings - safety partitions made of plasterboard - SDK partitions (sound insulation) - SDK floors (plasterboard floating floors). Work: - plasterboard - masonry, plastering - gypsum plasters - flooring.

Construction: - utilities - gas pipelines - water pipes - hot pipes - steam pipes - sewerage. Assembly: - gas installation - plumbing - installation of hot water pipes. Earth, excavation work. Locksmith products and fittings for water pipes. Work: - plumbing - gas company - locksmith.

Production - steel constructions Locksmith work

Craft: -locksmith. Locksmithery.

Craftsmanship: - locksmith work, locksmithing.

Hour husband Ostrava. Services: - plumbing, electrical, locksmith, welding and painting works - TV tuning - laying floor coverings - cutting, splitting wood - snow removal - mowing the grass and more

Locksmith work: - fences - gates. Reconstruction of houses, apartments.

Welding work. Locksmith work. Welding: - bridge construction - gearboxes - turbines - presses.

Electrical installation, locksmithing, welding work.

Production: - keys - car keys. Sale: - safety locks.

Production: - grids - steel constructions. Milling. Metalworking. Locksmith work.

Production and assembly of locksmith products: - railings - ladders - stairs - shelters - sliding gates.

Locksmith work: - metal production, bending and forming on CNC machines, laser burning, etc.

Construction company: - thermal insulations - construction / building - reconstruction - rebuilding - bathroom units - turnkey houses - metalwork / locksmith work - steel structures - tower cranes with operators - welding work also in stainless steel and aluminium.

Production: - the door - gates and goals.