Masonry work involve many sub-activities in the form of linings of exterior walls of houses, repair of outdoor and indoor plasters, buildings, sanitation of the plaster, the reconstruction of residential cores, artistic bricklaying activities, cast floors, plastering or insulation of objects.

Our services: - construction work - renovation of bathrooms.

Carpentry work Production - kitchen units and furniture Production - office furniture Production - furniture (built-in wardrobes, beds, children's rooms, living room walls, ...) Production - windowsills Laying - floating floors Masonry work reconstruction - bathrooms Reconstruction - ...

Work: - carpentry - covering -plumbing - insulating - plumbing - heating - joinery -small masonry.

Our services: - anti-corrosion protection of metal - construction work.

Construction company: - housing stock maintenance - reconstruction of housing cores - GO flat and pitched roofs - panel joint repairs - climbing technique.

Services: - preparatory and finishing construction work.

We perform: - masonry work - cutting greens - demolition work.