A comprehensive plumbing and roofing jobs include roofing, repair and reconstruction of roofs, replacement of roofs, waterproofing and insulation, installation of conductors, installation of gutters, the flashings of the roofs, installation of exterior window frames zákryvek, cornices, and baseboards.

Activity - roofing work - carpentry work - plasterboard work.

Insulation against moisture by injections Chemical injection - a revolutionary system in protection against groundwater rising, a special form without subsequent addition of chemicals!!! The most modern form, which does not create a destructive sliding surface on the construction site, which tends to disrupt the statics of the object. Our ...

Work: - roofing - plumbing - carpentry - roof repairs - complete roofs including trusses.

Building company, constructions: -housing development, civic building, industrial construction - turnkey -earthwork -construction of markets and complex engineering at designing and construction of dairy plants. Designing, delivery, installation: -wiring -sanitary equipment -plumbery, water -gas -central heating -floors of all ...

Reconstruction of buildings, turnkey constructions: - implementation of constructions - rehabilitation of wolf masonry -plumbing and roofing work