Locksmith work includes installation of door panels and their repair, replacement of locks, opening slammed apartments, vehicles and safes, installation of security features, the installation of safety systems and additional services related to the door locks and property protection.

Production: - furniture, cabinet, electronic, industrial locks.

Locksmithing, tool making -Wholesale and retail -Pawn business and retail of used goods - Renting and lending of movable property - Provision of technical services

Locksmithery. Instrumentation. Metalworking.

Demolition Construction - mineral ceilings - plasterboards Construction - industrial buildings - turnkey family houses Locksmith work

Our services: - production, assembly of steel structure - production, installation of steam pipelines - construction activity - locksmith work - plumbing work - masonry work.

We deal with: - locksmithing, heating, plumbing, gas distribution and, in the case of bathroom renovations, also masonry.