Other crafts, such as basketry, kovotepectví, drawing up pedigrees, sculpture, fortune telling, processing of leather and fur, graphological analyses of manuscripts and other manual and handicraft work to bridge the gap between traditional crafts and industrial production.

Personal and partner horoscopes, solutions to partner crises and counseling in interpersonal relationships, corporate psychology and solutions to workplace relationships, interpretation of the child's nativity, astrology, horoscopes with a view to the next year, horoscopes of family members and partners....

Electrical work Printing and sales - promotional items Sale - stickers E-shop - stickers - promotional items - T-shirts - hoodies - a hat - bags - jackets, ... Print, embroidery - textiles Large format printing Screen printing

Construction work: -earthworks, laying engineering networks - core drilling of concrete and reinforced concrete diamond tools -demolition work with a hydraulic hammer on a wheeled excavator.

Construction activity: -demolition - construction, modifications -drilling and cutting building materials -sealing and insulation against water. Sale: -diamond tools-core drills - saw blades - equipment for drilling and cutting building materials. Tool Refurbishment: - core crowns of grinding wheels -cutting sheets.

Isolation - damp masonry Carving - doors panel houses Grinding - floors Cutting and drilling - building construction

Activity: -core drilling - diameter of 10-1200 mm -diamond-charged sawing up to the depth of 700 mm -diamond rope cutting -insulation of damp walls -concrete surface grinding -milling. Komenskeho 272. Further website: -www.edb.cz/bbcsoun.

Divination Sale - divination objects pendulum, magic candles

Construction work: - diamond drilling - cutting concrete.

We perform: - core drilling, cutting and grinding of concrete.

- Wood processing, production of wooden, cork, wicker and straw products -Production of building materials, porcelain, ceramic and plaster products -Production of non-electric household appliances -Production of other products of the processing industry - Mediation of business and services -Wholesale and retail -Manufacturing, trade and ...

Coating of non-conducting materials: -glass -ceramics -china and other. Coating: -titanium -titanium compounds. Surface finishing in colours: -platinum -gold -rainbow. The coat has a high adhesion to object, chemical resistance, abrasion resistance and it is highly electrically conductive and heat-conducting. The coat is ...

Core drilling - drilling technological penetrations - drilling into building structures Chemical anchoring of structures Grinding

Isolation -Wholesale and retail -Preparatory and finishing construction work, specialized construction activities -Surface treatment and welding of metals and other materials -Manufacturing metal structures and metalwork products

Corporate representation - JUNKERS boilers Plumbing work: - plumbing, installation and service of water - installation and service of heating, heating works - gas installation and service, gas works. Repair, service, installation, assembly: - sanitary technology - gas boilers - gasification of boiler rooms - gas ovens and ...

I offer interpretation of cards (Cosmic Tarot), I build family constellations, I deal with alternative medicine and esotericism, I provide counseling in the field of health and relationships.

Services: - cleaning, disinfection, repairs, deepening the well - penetrations under the communication to the diameter 310mm - cutting bituminous, concrete surfaces - work with a micro-excavator.

Administrative services. Mediation of business.

Construction of cuts, gradation into the specified assortment and creation of location plans.

Proofreading of Czech texts. Spelling and stylistic editing.

-Preparation and elaboration of technical proposals, graphic and drawing work -Advertising activity, marketing, media representation -Design, design, arrangement activities and modeling - Mediation of business and services -Wholesale and retail - Provision of software, consulting in the field of information technology, data processing, ...