Does your couch or sofa need renovation? Take advantage of the complete upholstery work, which include repair and renovation of old furniture, making new furniture to order, upholstered seating furniture, remanufacturing of automotive interiors including seats and steering wheels.

Craft: upholsterer Field: Upholstery Description: Our company offers you professional upholstery work. We deal with upholstery of custom furniture, repairs of old upholstery of modern and antique furniture (eg chairs, sofas, armchairs, ....), and other upholstery work.

Craft: -upholsterer -saddler. Production: -sofas - wardrobe beds -mattress - technical clothing. Repairs: - restoration of antique furniture -sofas -car seats, doors.

Upholstery - motorcycle seats - car interiors Upholstery - sofas - a chair - sofas - stools - earlobes - corner dining benches - the door - restaurant facilities - antique furniture including binding - production of pillows and other decorative accessories Production ...