Go for the culture and visit the Czech museums, galleries and exhibition halls. Waiting for you still exposure, special exhibitions or thematic exposure. Exhibition of cars, museum of science and technology or to be an exhibition of paintings – depends on your taste.

Association in obtaining material for the preservation of documents about the development of the region and the life of previous generations, developing educational activities in the given area Exposition of the Vlastivédné spolk.

The Moravian Gallery in Brno is the second largest art museum in the Czech Republic. As the only art museum in the country, it deals with art culture in a comprehensive way. He works with free art, ie painting, drawing, graphics and sculpture from the earliest period to the present, as well as with photography, applied art, graphic design and ...

Gallery. Permanent exhibition of ancient art: -Gothic -baroque -19th century. Orders for guided tours, group visits and workshops: Reservation required, contact: da@moravska-galerie.cz tel .: 532 169 146

Minorite monastery: -originally a Gothic monastery from the middle of the 13th century -exposition Living nature of Znojmo -exposure of the Black Craft -exposure of Oriental weapons -exposition of the Archeology of the Znojmo Region -exposition The inanimate nature of the Znojmo region -Trais court and Gothic cloister tel .: ...

Services: - production of cultural events for the city of Mikulov - ensuring screenings in the city cinema, operation of the Dietrichstein tomb, city gallery - production of own cultural events in Mikulov -rental of the premises of the city cinema, cinema club and adjacent classrooms for lectures, training, educational courses, discussions, ...

Sales art gallery - paintings, sculptures, graphics, jewelry. Exhibition activity. Sale of works of art by non-living authors.

Real estate agency - sale, rental of real estate and land Art Gallery.

Accommodation, pension, pension: -3x accommodation units of above-standard quality with wine names Portugal, Veltlín and Champagne. The rooms are equipped - private bathroom, stylish furniture, modern accessories, TV, internet connection and minibar. Various types of massages, in-room massages and also breakfast can be served here, unless you ...

Ramařství. Framing work and mounting: - framing of paintings, graphics, drawings, embroidery, photographs, maps, mirrors - up to 750 types of picture rails, 100 types of mounts - different types of glass. Sales gallery.

You can visit the Muzeum Lesná guesthouse and camp with a camp area of approx. 8,000 m2 and a park setting near the recreation area Vranovská přehrada. Lovers of cycling, culture and technical monuments will find their place here. The area includes accommodation in apartments, cabins or a cozy campsite. Our guests have available 5 four-bed and ...

The gallery is located in the lobby of the 2nd floor of Švejd's pavilion.

M.Sc. Hana Pinknerová runs a bookstore and gallery, sells books, jewelry and provides picture framing.

Museum of the Boskovice region - general patriotic exposition of the Boskovice region, Boskovice Jewish monuments (synagogue and Jewish municipal house), exposition of historical agricultural machines.

Art gallery and studio: - production, sale of paintings, puppets, puppets and small gift items.

The internet art gallery is operated by ARTDEM s.r.o. based in Brno. On the portal you will find works by various authors.

The Moravian Museum, the second largest and also the second oldest museum institution in the Czech Republic, was founded in July 1817 by the imperial decree of Francis I. It preserves over 6 million objects in its collections, which represent valuable material from the fields of natural and social sciences. In addition to collecting and scientific ...

Museum: -permanent exposition of the Moravian Land museums. Leoš Janáček Memorial: -exposition The life and work of Leoš Janáček.

Museum. The exhibition on the oldest history of settlement in Moravia and the entire European continent consists of 3 basic units: -first whole -Moravia of hunters and gatherers -Earthest art in Europe -Paleolithic technologies -the second unit -Genetics in human development -The story of the human race -representation of ...

Brno City Museum: Dietrichstein Palace.

Jewish synagogue in Břeclav. The old synagogue, destroyed in 1643 Swedish, replaced in 1671-1672 new. Non-solid construction, however, in In 1697 she collapsed and was in the same place a new shrine was built from the ground up. However, this building in the second half The 19th century was no longer enough, growing spatial demands ...