Certification is the guarantee of quality and functioning of the products and appliances according to current and applicable standards. Let you do quality control of products and services, testing, quality, testing, eligibility workers, and the assessment of the conformity of products with technical requirements.

Statni zkusebna stroju a.s. TECHNICKE ZKOUSKY STROJU A VOZIDEL
The Government Testing Laboratory of Machines plc Technical test room Prague Technical testing room Brno Testing Laboratory of Machines Authorized person AO 255 Notified person NB 1016 Accredited certification body No. 3062 according to ESN EN ISO/IEC 17065:2013 Accredited inspection body No. 4081 according to ESN EN ISO/IEC ...
TUV SUD Czech s.r.o.
ITI TUV Ltd. - an inspection and certification authority. Branches all over the Czech Republic. Company activities: Certification authority No. 3053: -by standard CSN EN 45012 assessment and certification of quality systems in industry, building industry, transport, business and services, certification of quality systems in welding ...
VUHU a.s.
Research Institute for Brown Coal a.s. Research Institute for Brown Coal a.s. was founded in Most in 1953 as a special - purpose organization of mines in the North Bohemian Brown Coal Basin for solving complex issues of development, especially quarrying of brown coal. As of May 1, 1992, the institute was registered in the Commercial Register ...
MSP - GLOBAL s.r.o. kalibracni laborator
Company MSP - GLOBAL s.r.o. is an accredited calibration laboratory that calibrates meters in the fields of mass, length, temperature, pressure, conductivity, torque, electrical quantities, pH and time. We have extensive experience in metrology, we hold all necessary authorizations and we work with modern calibration technology. We are based in ...
Intertek s.r.o.
The company Intertek s.r.o. is a provider of Total Quality Assurance services to industries worldwide. Through our global network of state-of-the-art facilities and superior technical expertise, we provide customers with innovative and tailored verification, testing, inspection and certification services. We systematically support our ...
ASMcert, s.r.o. certifikace systemu managementu
The company ASMcert, s.r.o. acts as a certification body and performs management system certifications. We offer an impartial, objective and independent assessment of competence. We provide certification of quality management systems, environmental management and occupational safety and road quality management. Certification body - ISO ...
TECHNICAL LABORATORIES OPAVA, a.s. is an accredited, authorized and certified company that focuses on testing, certification of products in the fields of machinery, machinery, hydraulics and combustible materials. The company is engaged in calibration of gauges in the field of length and plane angle measurement. The Brno workplace carries out ...
Ceska spolecnost pro jakost, z.s.
We are an association uniting a wide range of people and organizations operating in various areas of management systems. We provide our members, as well as other customers, with comprehensive services (education, certification, professional publications) in the field of management systems and quality management tools. We specialize in ...
The company BEST QUALITY, s.r.o. is a certification body that is accredited by the Czech Institute for Accreditation, o.p.s. (ČIA) for the certification of the management system in the national accreditation system of the Czech Republic. We provide certification of the quality management system according to ČSN EN ISO 9001: 2016, certification of ...
The company is holder of the quality certificate ISO 9001:2001. Analysis, studies, projects, turnkey operation, repairs, reconstruction, modernization, service of power equipment: -separating device including control systems, filters (cloth filters, electrostatic precipitators) -continuous emission monitoring equipment -repairs and check of ...

WE MAKE WATER WITH WATER Dispatch: continuous failure reporting, phone 543212537. Production and supply of drinking water, removal and treatment of waste water, analysis of drinking and waste water, accredited water meter calibration laboratory, water meter repair shop. Products, services: -engineering and investment activity - official ...

The company Plynoservis Martiňák, based in Čeladná in the district of Frýdek-Místek, deals with inspections, inspections, assembly and repairs of gas equipment. I also offer meteorology services, repairs and calibration of manometers, as well as gas leak removal. Offered services: - inspections, inspections, installation and repairs of gas ...

Testing, measuring and certification of joinery products (windows, doors, floors, prisms).

Scope of activities: - assessing the conformity of products with the requirements of European directives - toys - personal protective equipment - construction products - medical devices - electrical equipment - electromagnetic compatibility - pressure equipment - calibration

BH-Bohemia Holography s.r.o. (Czech Republic) was founded in 1999. The BH Group (SS BH Group) unites a number of Czech and Russian companies. The main representative in the EU is the company BH-Bohemia Holografie s.r.o. and in the countries of EvrAzES (Eurasian Economic Union) VM-Matrica (Russian Federation, Moscow). We have been providing ...

Inspection and certification body: -engineering activity in the field safety of technical equipment -training and verifying professional technical competence device -processing of technical standards -inspection activity -revision and revision tests operated boilers and pressure vessels -revision tests of operational ...

Branch. Certification, inspection and testing of systems, processes, products, services: - OHSAS; SCC; quality management ISO 9001, ISO / TS; FMEA; IRIS - environment, etc.

Inspection and certification body: -engineering activity in the field safety of technical equipment -training and verifying professional technical competence device -processing of technical standards -inspection activity -revision and revision tests operated boilers and pressure vessels -revision tests of operational ...

Inspection and certification body: -engineering activity in the field safety of technical equipment -training and verifying professional technical competence device -processing of technical standards -inspection activity -revision and revision tests operated boilers and pressure vessels -revision tests of operational ...

TÜV SÜD Czech s.r.o inspection and certification body TÜV SÜD is a world-renowned company operating in all sectors of industry and services. We provide our clients with services in the areas of: independent verification, certification, testing, inspection, education, homologation. In the Czech Republic, TÜV SÜD Czech is represented by 7 ...

ITI TÜV s.r.o. technical inspection and certification body.

TÜV SÜD Czech s.r.o inspection and certification body TÜV SÜD is a world-renowned company operating in all sectors of industry and services. We provide our clients with services in the areas of: independent verification, certification, testing, inspection, education, homologation. In the Czech Republic, TÜV SÜD Czech is represented by 7 ...