Special interest courses for children, adults, the disabled and the elderly provides the possibility of active leisure. Sign up for courses in acting, improvisation, cooking classes, dances, needlework, courses in aromatherapy, sign language, foreign language courses, personal development and more.

Services: - service of computers, laptops - computer consultancy - MS Office training - proofreading of Czech texts.

Services: - graphic works -SEO optimization -website creation - consulting in the field of data backup -organization of computer courses

Courses - basic course of ethics therapy self-discovery seminars Alternative medicine - treatment with moral forces

The Sommelier course is intended for all wine lovers and friends. It takes place in a picturesque South Bohemian homestead and includes numerous tastings and tastings, as well as the necessary theory. The expected number of participants is 8, and the goal is therefore a high-quality chamber performance that contributes to the professionalism of ...