Business academy, vocational schools, industrial, technical and art school, or gymnasium. In the Czech republic you will find state and private institutes of education offering a high standard of teaching, high standard technical equipment and also the quality of pedagogical activities.

Stredni skola hotelnictvi a sluzeb a Vyssi odborna skola, Opava, prispevkova organizace Stredni hotelovka Opava
The Secondary School of Hotels and Services and the Opava College, a contributory organization, offers study in vocational, graduation and higher professional fields in the field of gastronomy, tourism, services and hairdressing. Among other things, it also provides food imports for companies, catering and catering services in Opava. Catering ...
Vyssi odborna skola potravinarska a Stredni prumyslova skola mlekarenska Kromeriz VOSP a SPSM Kromeriz
The Higher Vocational School of Food and the Secondary Dairy School in Kroměříž accepts students mainly from the Zlín Region, but we have students from the whole Czech Republic and in recent years also from Slovakia. We are the only multifunctional vocational school profiled for study in the food industry. We offer graduation studies, higher ...
IUVENTAS - Soukrome gymnazium a SOS, s.r.o.
Iuventas - Private high school and secondary vocational school s.r.o. in Ostrava it enables interested parties to choose from the fields of pedagogical, natural science and medical lyceum. Further study at a general four or eight year grammar school. Education: Grammar school - general eight-year and four-year study completed by the state ...
Gymnazium Kromeriz
Grammar school: - four-year study - eight years of study. High School.
Stredni odborna skola a Stredni odborne uciliste, Roudnice nad Labem, Neklanova 1806, prispevkova organizace
Secondary Vocational School and Secondary Vocational School, Roudnice nad Labem, Neklanova 1806, the contributory organization provides secondary vocational education completed by the Matura exam and education in the fields of study completed by the apprenticeship certificate. The school is a territorially integrated complex of modern ...
Zakladni skola a prakticka skola Brno, Videnska, prispevkova organizace
Elementary school and practical school Brno, Vídeňská combines the activities of elementary and secondary schools. We provide basic education to pupils with special educational needs, and our practical two-year school is intended for pupils with special educational needs who have completed compulsory schooling. Part of the school is the ...
Gymnazium Jesenik, Komenskeho 281
Gymnázium Jeseník, Komenského 281, is a secondary school that provides studies for those interested in the area of Jeseník, Bruntál and Šumper, and in the field of Gymnasium with sports training from all over Moravia and eastern Bohemia. The goal of studies at the gymnasium is preparation for studies at universities and higher vocational ...
Stredni lesnicka skola Zlutice, prispevkova organizace
The mission of the Žlutice Secondary Forestry School is to prepare pupils for the work of foresters in the basic units of forestry, as well as for work in timber organizations, in mining and planting activities, as well as in horticultural and floricultural enterprises. Those interested in the study can choose both graduation and apprentice ...
Soukroma Stredni odborna skola a Gymnazium BEAN, s.r.o.
Private secondary vocational school and Gymnázium BEAN, s.r.o. is a private school, where it is currently possible to study in the form of full-time, distance and post-secondary studies. Our school is located in Staňkov, Domažlice district. The school has a long tradition. It was founded in 1995. Since 2003 it has its own building Full-time ...
Obchodni akademie, Stredni odborna skola a Stredni odborne uciliste, Trebon
Our secondary school offers three- and four-year courses. Study fields completed by the "maturitní zkouška" exam: - handicraft glass processing - Business Academy - clothing modeling and design - Tourism. Apprenticeships ending with apprenticeship certificate: - Manufacturer of imitation jewelery - nurse - farm machinery repairman - ...
Stredni odborna skola veterinarni, mechanizacni a zahradnicka a Jazykova skola s pravem statni jazykove zkousky, Ceske Budejovice
The Secondary Vocational School of Veterinary, Mechanization and Horticulture and the Language School with the right to a state language examination, České Budějovice, Rudolfovská 92 provide secondary vocational education in the fields of Mechanization and Services, Plant Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and Horticulture. The school also includes a ...
Stredni skola technicka a remeslna, Novy Bydzov, Dr. M. Tyrse 112
Technical and craft high school. automotive fields adult education driving school catering extension study road transport
Stredni odborna skola Josefa Sousedika Vsetin
Fields of study: - confectioner - electrician-high current - plumber - bodybuilder - chef waiter - motor vehicle mechanic repairman - metalworker - farm machinery repairman - toolmaker - floorer - Carpenter - carpenter - accommodation and catering services - mason Fields of study: - autotronics - Economics and Business - ...
Gymnazium P. Krizkovskeho s umeleckou profilaci, s.r.o.
Pavel Křížkovsky's Private Grammar School has been enabling students to study in eight-year and four-year educational programs since 1993, which expand classical grammar school education to include music, art and theater. However, we are not a one-sided art school. You will find our graduates at all types of universities. You can find us at ...
Stredni skola gastronomie, hotelnictvi a lesnictvi Bzenec, prispevkova organizace
The Bzenec Secondary School of Gastronomy, Hotel Management and Forestry provides its students with quality education in interesting graduation and study fields. We also offer the possibility of part-time study, extension study and also fields for pupils with special educational needs. We are located at náměstí Svobody 318. Secondary school of ...
Stredni skola polytechnicka Brno, Jilova, prispevkova organizace
The Brno Secondary Polytechnic School provides its students with the opportunity for quality education in graduation and study fields. We have a modern background - laboratories, workshops and technology and teachers are real experts from practice. We also offer a lot of extracurricular activities, sports clubs and also the possibility of using ...
Stredni skola polytechnicka, Olomouc, Rooseveltova 79
The Polytechnic Secondary School provides its students with a comprehensive secondary and secondary vocational education. Our school has well-equipped classrooms and workshops. We also run a youth home and a school canteen. Pupils can choose a graduation or study field. We offer the fields of mechanic repairman of motor vehicles, car electrician, ...
Stredni umeleckoprumyslova skola a Zakladni umelecka skola Zamecek s.r.o.
The chateau is the first secondary art school in Pilsen. It was founded in 1995 in the romantic setting of the Radčice chateau, owned by the Lobkowicz family. Pupils can study Spatial Design and Sculpture, Conservation and Restoration of Stone, Painting in Art, Design and Architecture, Applied Photography and Audiovisual Creation, Graphic Design ...
Integrovana stredni skola, Vysoke nad Jizerou, Dr. Farskeho 300, prispevkova organizace
The integrated secondary school Vysoké nad Jizerou is a school with a long tradition, which was founded in 1920 and since then has served the purpose of vocational education. We enable our students to study in both teaching and graduation fields. They can choose, for example, the focus of autotronics, logistics and financial services, operator - ...
Soukroma stredni skola podnikatelska - ALTMAN, s.r.o.
Private business high school - ALTMAN, s.r.o. was established in 1997 and offers its future students the following study options, full-time, four-year, extension, distance and post-secondary. The study ends with a graduation exam. You can find us at Na Tobolce 389, Jičín. Study graduation fields for primary school pupils: - Economics and ...
MICHAEL - Stredni skola a Vyssi odborna skola reklamni a umelecke tvorby, s.r.o.
Michael High School of Advertising and Art Creation provides students with a comprehensive education in art and advertising. We have an excellent technical background and have been educating professionals for 25 years. Our fields of study include film and photography, interior design, graphic design and management and production. After graduating ...
Stredni odborne uciliste a Stredni odborna skola SCMSD, Znojmo, s.r.o.
The Secondary Vocational School and the Secondary Vocational School SČMSD is the largest school facility in the Znojmo region and provides a comprehensive secondary education. Our educational facility is attended by a total of 750 students. 414 pupils study secondary education completed by the Matura examination, of which 61 pupils are studying ...
Stredni odborna skola a Stredni odborne uciliste, Nymburk, V Kolonii 1804
The Secondary Vocational School and the Secondary Vocational School offer students a wide range of educational programs. They can choose from both graduation and study fields. Our school also has a school canteen, a youth home, a modern cultural hall and a sports hall. Do not hesitate and come to see us on open days. We are located at In the ...