The forensic expert will help you with the valuation and estimates of real estate, with expert opinions, establishing a common, general, or market prices, will provide you with assistance in resolving probate, substantive burden, when examining the defects, faults and damages, or when the solution of the succession.

Real estate estimate - expert opinions

-Advisory and consulting activities, processing of professional studies and assessments

Expert opinions, projects, implementation and maintenance of greenery, supervision and taxation of activities in agriculture, horticulture and forestry. Supply and service of machines, equipment and auxiliary materials for agriculture, horticulture and forestry.

Real estate valuations and budgets - transportation construction

Services: - forensic expert in the field of occupational safety.

Development of certificates of energy performance of buildings (PENB), preparation of an itemized budget for construction works including a statement of dimensions, real estate estimates for mortgages and loans at construction savings banks, estimation of the market value of the real estate upon sale.

Consultant and forensic expert in the field forestry, hunting and cynology.

Service of computer technology and electronics, Forensic expert in the field.