Dental office offers comprehensive dental care. This care includes regular checkups, dental hygiene, tartar removal, treatment of dental caries, bleaching of teeth, root canal cleaning, but also dental implants or acute treatment of painful teeth.

Dental office and laboratory. Dental hygiene.

Services in the field of dentistry, orthodontics. Teeth straightening: - classic fixed braces - Invisalign - almost invisible, removable braces. Preventive and restorative dentistry.

Dental care. Our office focuses on practical dentistry (fillings, root canals, crowns, prostheses, bridges)

IDC dental clinic in Zlín. Services: Microscopic endodontics Dental surgery Dental implants Painless treatment Dental hygiene

Dental clinic. Dental hygiene. Aesthetic dentistry. Prosthetics.

Villa of dental health - dental office, stomatology.