Dental office offers comprehensive dental care. This care includes regular checkups, dental hygiene, tartar removal, treatment of dental caries, bleaching of teeth, root canal cleaning, but also dental implants or acute treatment of painful teeth.

Dental center. We are modern not only in equipment, but also in our approach, thanks to which we use the latest medical knowledge and procedures in treatment. Painless treatment and a professional approach for each patient.

Dental Clinic Smile Factory, s.r.o. provides patients with comprehensive modern dental care according to European standards in a pleasant and casual environment. At the first visit, we perform an initial examination and a thorough history of the patient, with a comprehensive analysis of the teeth and oral cavity. Our services include caries ...

A dental clinic in the center of Brno, which has a modern dental office with first-class dental equipment and many years of experience. The staff regularly attends courses and lectures by leading Czech and international specialists. It offers an individual approach with the development of a tailor-made treatment plan as well as financing options.

We offer classic dentistry as part of public insurance, as well as above-standard aesthetic dentistry and professional advice. We have contracts with all insurance companies. The professional care of a pleasant team awaits you in the newly renovated premises of the health center, all just two kilometers behind OC Olympia Olomouc.