Specialized medical the workplace include physiotherapy, vertebral therapists, homeopathic counseling, clinic, alternative medicine, nutritional counseling, center of assisted reproduction or plastic surgery.

Anti-drug center, contact center for grog addicts.

Production: - energy pictures. Services: I send healing energy remotely and in person in my office. I work with the energy that passes through me and I transfer it with my palms. Production: - websites quickly and professionally - website - e-shops - SEO optimization - Web design - graphic work, management and installation of ...

A non-state health-care facility. A clinic for the infertility cure. Services rendered: Marital infertility: - diagnosis of the infertility - sperm tests - insemination - in vitro fertilization - ICSI - assisted hatching - MESA, TESE - treatment of ejaculation disorders - genetic examination of embryo - gamete donation - ...

Center for health and smart weight loss. Instrumental unique diagnostics on the basis of which we determine the ratio of fat, muscle, water and other important parameters. Evaluation of the current diet and lifestyle, determination of the ratio of macronutrients and micronutrients, evaluation of biochemical examination. Programs for natural and ...

Homeopathy. Quitting smoking. Problems getting pregnant. Bioresonance.

Diagnostics of the general state of health: - painlessly - diagnostics performed by Oberon Titanium PC and F devices Scan Effective plasma generator therapy: - elimination of parasites, viruses, fungi, bacteria in the body - solution to allergies, fatigue syndrome, psoriasis, acne, chlamydia, borrelia. Controlled detoxification ...

Expert dermatologist. Ambulance: - dermatovenerological, lymphatic drainage - phone: 596636145. Ambulance: - aesthetic dermatology, lymphatic drainage - phone: 777116822.

Transport Health Service. Services: - transporting patients in air-conditioned ambulances throughout the Czech Republic and abroad - covered by all health insurance companies in the Czech Republic

Plastic surgery and laser treatment center. Surgery: - plastic - laser - aesthetic - general - venous. Dermatology, ENT, obesitology.

Plastic surgery and laser treatment center. Surgery: - plastic - laser - aesthetic - general - venous. Dermatology, ENT, obesitology.

Surgery: - plastic - laser - aesthetic - general - venous. Dermatology, ENT, obesitology. Company headquarters - Ostrava.