Blacksmithing is not the profesion of the past. The modern blacksmith's work can conjure up wonderful products, both in the case of the manual, so in the case of mechanical fittings. Artistic, classic, drop, or other kinds of fittings are among the basic ways of forming metal, even today

Blacksmithing and farriery. Blacksmith and farrier work.

Artistic blacksmithing Alexandr Pleskač – We offer custom-made production of gates, window, door, dividing grids (fixed and movable), forged fences and railings of all types and sizes - (including simple welded constructions without artistic demands). Place of business: Přeperé, ZD Agro campus

Blacksmithing. - artistic blacksmithing - the door - grids - gates - railings - forged sculptures - forged gates - fences - rolling gates - tool repair