Take advantage of the advice in the field of human resource management, investment, education, career, human resources, or when changing jobs. Get advice you can even when the interest on the financing of environmental heating or in obtaining subsidies not only on ecological construction.

Services: - private consultations - seminars. House of services Senovážne náměstí 9 370 01 Ceske Budejovice

- Mediation of business and services - Real estate activity, management and maintenance of properties -Advisory and consulting activities, processing of professional studies and assessments - Extracurricular education and training, organization of courses, training, including lecturing activities -Advertising activity, marketing, media ...

Services: - introduction and promotion of products for children on the Russian market

Services: - preparation and processing of applications for agricultural subsidies

Project, expert opinion and processing of the New Green Savings grant application. Creation of energy audits and certificates of energy efficiency of buildings. Consulting and complete processing of applications for subsidies from the EU. Projects for the technical equipment of buildings (heating, plumbing and sewage).

Services: -consultation in the field of drawing funds from EU structural funds -procurement -organization of professional trainings, seminars

Astrological advice - making a horoscope - regression therapy.

Subsidy consultancy - monitoring of subsidy opportunities - processing of grant applications.

Services: -increasing the performance of company processes. - optimization of production capacities, human resources. - streamlining the organizational structure.

I guide people to live their own lives in accordance with what they can do, what they are talented at, what fulfills them and what they see meaning in. I use the new HBL method for this - of which I am the author. My biggest dream is that we all live in Love and everything we do, to do with Love and from Love...so that we learn how to live our ...

Consulting in the field of: - project management - cost management

Services: - mediation of subsidies - subsidy audit - project consultancy

Services: - behavioral therapy -crisis intervention - counseling in education

Services: - area of management systems implementation

Services: - active and passive telemarketing - project solutions - retention -Business Process Outsourcing - training - consulting in the field of call center operation optimization

Services - social, sociological and psychological counseling - systemic, integrative and family psychotherapy

Services: - consulting in the field of media communication. - consulting in the field of PR.

Services - preparation and management of projects - analyzes and professional studies - consultation and advice - training and seminars

Services: Social Services: - social rehabilitation - social therapy workshops - support for independent housing Rehabilitation Center Protected workshops

Services, provision: - subsidies from EU funds and public sources -project management - consulting in the field of public contracts

training, seminars, adult education, advice for subsidies and grants from the EU, gender audits, social advice - financial literacy, career advice, advice for people in crisis