Take advantage of the advice in the field of human resource management, investment, education, career, human resources, or when changing jobs. Get advice you can even when the interest on the financing of environmental heating or in obtaining subsidies not only on ecological construction.

Personal fabric - agentura prace, a.s.
Personal fabric - employment agency, a.s. is a personnel agency operating throughout the Czech Republic and provides services mainly in the field of temporary assignment of workers to manual and engineering professions - welder, locksmith, machine tool, lathe, work for workers. It also mediates employees into a permanent relationship and focuses ...
E-expert, spol. s r.o.
The company E-expert, spol. s r.o. focuses on providing expert consultations for environmental projects. As part of these consultations, we process this documentation.  Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)  - the most important environmental impact assessment for new projects  - We have been dealing with EIA in the long term  - we follow ...
Ing. Dalibor Cmiel
The supplier Ing. Dalibor Čmiel provides comprehensive services in the processing of subsidies New Green Savings and Kotlíkové subsidies in the Moravian-Silesian Region. We will advise you on the financing of ecological heating and how to apply for subsidies. We are also familiar with the Kotlíkové dotace program throughout the Moravian-Silesian ...
Danove poradenstvi Topinka Brno
Tax and accounting office, tax and accounting consultants.
Ucetni kancelar DEUSZ - Ing. Edita Gerlichova Szwedova ucetni-havirov.cz
Deusz - Accounting office Ing. Edita Szwedova in Havirov deals with all services in the field of accounting - bookkeeping, payroll, tax return processing, accounting services. We provide our services indiscriminately, yet we specialize mainly in the business sphere. Thanks to a team that is experienced and well trained, our services are ...
Adam Bialek Dotacni a energeticke poradenstvi
Consulting in the field of subsidies and activity in the construction industry during the construction or reconstruction of family houses is provided by our company. Among other things, we carry out a complete energy assessment, including the design of energy measures as well as the performance of heating sources. The purpose of our activity is ...
Karierovy a personalni servis s.r.o.
It offers: - traffic psychological examination of drivers - mediating and psychological selection of employees - training and development of employees - psychological and personnel counseling - professional psychodiagnosis of employees, professional drivers - craniosacral therapy. Place of business: Industrial 493 Pardubice
TRue account s.r.o. ucetni firma Havirov
Accounting office TRue account s.r.o. in Havířov, it provides bookkeeping for small and medium-sized companies, tax records for self-employed persons (OSVČ), including the processing of tax returns, financial statements and personnel and payroll. Our team is composed of experienced and professional accountants who have extensive experience and ...
D&D International, s.r.o. Vedeni a zpracovani ucetnictvi Praha 9
Complete processing and bookkeeping for small and large companies, as well as for individuals and legal entities. We also provide processing of simple tax records and returns, payroll accounting, services related to personnel administration and regular monthly or quarterly VAT processing. Our services can be used in Prague and the entire ...
Stelma spol. s r.o. Granty a dotace Pardubice
The company Stelma spol. s.r.o, Pardubice provides comprehensive services in the area of drawing subsidies not only from EU sources, but also from National and regional sources. We are at the beginning of a new subsidy period and there will definitely be a division. The obtained subsidy can make you very happy, but at the same time create many ...
Specialist Service, s.r.o.
Recruitment Agency Specialist Service, s.r.o. has been focusing on recruiting managers, specialists and staff for new investors and consulting services in the area of human resources management since 1993 within the Ostrava, Moravian-Silesian and Slovak Republics. Based on many years of experience, Specialist Service, s.r.o. offers:  - ...
AGENTURA PLUS, spol. s r.o. Sluzby v oblasti personalistiky Praha
Employment agency. Significant savings in labor costs and time with the search for suitable employees for a long-term ratio or impact brigades brings AGENTURA PLUS, s.r.o. with headquarters in Prague and branches throughout the Czech Republic. Our professional personnel managers will ensure reliable and flexible employees from all fields. We ...
Do you need help with the project or clarify questions from a field you do not focus on? Use advice or instructions from experts. Contact consultants who are specialists in their field.
Pavel Dolezal instalaterske prace Hradec Kralove
Pavel Doležal provides its customers with complete plumbing work. We provide installation of water, heating and gas, including revisions and project documentation. We are located in the village of Lochenice, Hradec Králové District. Work, craft, services: - plumbing - plumbing, plumbing - heating engineer, heating engineer - gasman, gas ...
Integracni centrum Zahrada v Praze 3
The Garden Integration Center in Prague 3 is a day care center dedicated to children with multiple disabilities. We focus on providing quality social services for children over six years of age who suffer from severe mental or physical disabilities. Children are offered individual pedagogical and rehabilitation care. We also help families caring ...
PhDr. Kotrcova - Klinicky psycholog
Clinical psychologist PhDr. Anna Kotrčová provides comprehensive professional care in the field of clinical psychology for children and adults. We diagnose and then choose the appropriate therapy for anxiety, depression, psychosomatic problems, family or school problems. We also perform hypnosis. Clinical psychologist's office: - clinical ...
MCI SERVIS s.r.o. partner pro zadavaci rizeni, dotace Zlin
Services - procurement procedure - profile of the contracting authority - grant management - Health and Safety Coordinator - performance of technical supervision - knowledge of FIDIC international business conditions.