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+420 800 880 810

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Chopinova 8
Ostrava - Privoz 702 00

Personal fabric - agentura prace, a.s.

Personal fabric - employment agency, a.s. is a personnel agency operating throughout the Czech Republic and provides services mainly in the field of temporary assignment of workers to manual and engineering professions - welder, locksmith, machine tool, lathe, work for workers. It also mediates employees into a permanent relationship and focuses on Try & Hire, a combination of the two previous services.

In the area of temporary assignment of employees, we will immediately help you fill vacancies in your company.
We will temporarily assign or mediate competent professionals for any production. The period of assignment is a matter of agreement, the minimum is one month, the maximum period is not limited.

We specialize in engineering professions, but we also have enough workers and candidates qualified for other manual professions, including the unskilled, such as:

- metalworkers with experience
- welders with official examinations
- locksmiths

- fitters of steel structures
- operation of production machines and lines
- production operators
- storekeepers
- Painters

We can immediately temporarily assign our employees anywhere in the Czech Republic.

Advantages of agency employment:

- you only pay the number you really need all year round
employees - we solve fluctuations in your needs
- reduction of the personnel agenda - you do not have activities
associated with the recruitment, selection and recruitment of new ones
- easier planning of works - greater flexibility in securing
individual contracts
- variability of the number of employees - we have
enough staff and it gives us
the ability to meet your workforce needs in the very
short deadlines
- zero search, selection and dismissal costs
- addressing the year-round shortage of qualified staff
at the place of production
- provision of specialists in required professions, including
professional training
- compensation for non-compliant seconded staff
- our masters are in contact with our staff and with you
clients and immediately solves any problems directly at your place
workplace and maintain contact between workers and ours
recruitment agency

When will you mainly use agency employment:

in the event of a sudden increase in labor needs, which
you can't cover the tribal workers
- during regular seasonal fluctuations
- if you need to balance the number of workers at an increased rate
- to maintain staff levels and adhere to the production plan in
holiday period

Mediation of employees into permanent employment.
In the event that instead of temporary assignment you need to get employees into permanent employment, use the services of staff mediation:

- we will find out your requirements for the employee - needed
qualifications, practice, training ...
- we will search for and select candidates
- we will introduce you to suitable candidates
- guarantee of the quality of personnel services - if
the mediated worker will not meet all
requirements placed on it, we will introduce you to another

You pay only after joining and hiring a new employee.
This is the so-called Try & Hire.

This service combines the benefits of the previous two. It is used when you want to try out a new employee before you hire him permanently. In that case, we will temporarily assign the employee to you for any time agreed upon and then terminate your employment with our agency and take up as your regular employee.

When are you most likely to use the service - advantages:

- zero search costs, or dismissal
non-compliant employees
- the possibility of extending the normal trial period
you expect to create a new job, but
you are not yet completely sure

We work with you during the recruitment process as we do in the case of a temporary assignment, and our foremen and salesmen provide you and the employees with a full service.

Czech Companies

Recruitment agenciesPersonal counselling



WEBSITE Personal fabric - agentura prace, a.s.


Chopinova 8
Ostrava - Privoz 702 00
+420 800 880 810

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