In the case of psychological problems it is advisable to visit the psychological counseling center, where you can consult with the individual psychological difficulties such as depression, nervousness, anxiety, and low self-esteem, migraines, insomnia, tics, education or relationships.

Integracni centrum Zahrada v Praze 3
The Garden Integration Center in Prague 3 is a day care center dedicated to children with multiple disabilities. We focus on providing quality social services for children over six years of age who suffer from severe mental or physical disabilities. Children are offered individual pedagogical and rehabilitation care. We also help families caring ...
PhDr. Kotrcova - Klinicky psycholog
Clinical psychologist PhDr. Anna Kotrčová provides comprehensive professional care in the field of clinical psychology for children and adults. We diagnose and then choose the appropriate therapy for anxiety, depression, psychosomatic problems, family or school problems. We also perform hypnosis. Clinical psychologist's office: - clinical ...
Klinicka psychologie Pastuchova s.r.o. Mgr. Martina Pastuchova
The company Klinická psychologie Pastuchová s.r.o. operates a surgery of child clinical psychology for Bohumín, Orlová and its surroundings. We are based in Dolní Lutyň. We provide services of clinical psychology and child clinical psychology. We deal with psychodiagnostics of children, adolescents and adults on the basis of health indications, we ...
Digitus Mise, z.u.
Digitus Mise, z.ú. is a provider of social services. The company was established primarily for the purpose of providing social field services. Our belief is that offering the provision of social care in citizens' households should be the first offer of the type of social assistance, only in the second place all the offered institutional ...
PHDR. ALICE STROSSOVA - detsky klinicky psycholog
PhDr. Alice Strossová runs a child clinical psychologist's office. I provide psychodiagnostic examination of children and adults and psychotherapy (individual and family). We accept new patients by telephone appointment. You can find us in two surgeries in Opava and Vítkovice. Surgery of a child clinical psychologist: - psychodiagnostic ...
Centrum intervencnich a psychosocialnich sluzeb Libereckeho kraje, prispevkova organizace
The Center for Intervention and Psychosocial Services of the Liberec Region is a contributory organization of the Liberec Region, which covers and manages the social services provided within the organization. We focus on professional social counseling, telephone crisis assistance and also the operation of an intervention center. The Liberec ...
Coaching consultant. I will help you organize your thoughts, solve the chaos in your head and find balance and inner peace. Provides trainings and seminars. Possibility of online coaching.

Martin Gajdoš, professional coach, coach and consultant. I focus on corporate and team coaching. I organize trainings, seminars and workshops aimed at improving the company organization, increasing productivity and work efficiency. How will corporate coaching benefit you? Change for the better! Managers and employees get a new insight and ...

M.Sc. Eva Kunčar runs a private pedagogical and psychotherapy consultancy.

It offers: - traffic psychological examination of drivers - mediating and psychological selection of employees - training and development of employees - psychological and personnel counseling - professional psychodiagnosis of employees, professional drivers - craniosacral therapy. Place of business: Industrial 493 Pardubice

Numerology consultancy - numerological analysis - personality characteristics - solving partner and work relationships - health disposition and prerequisites Courses - numerology