Take advantage of the advice in the field of human resource management, investment, education, career, human resources, or when changing jobs. Get advice you can even when the interest on the financing of environmental heating or in obtaining subsidies not only on ecological construction.

Services: - corporate consulting - increase in business efficiency - analysis of company processes - motivation and team management - marketing consultancy

Educational, consulting and staffing company.

Bakery, confectionery Hospitality activity -Publishing and publishing activities -Retail business operated outside regular establishments -Wholesale - Activities of business, financial and economic advisors -Organization of professional courses, training and other educational events, including lecturing activities -Organization of ...

Delivery: - cantilever, retractable, folding and post platforms - platforms for passengers

Services: -information service about subsidies -subsidy consultancy

Advice on European and national subsidies - grant consultancy - elaboration of the project plan and budget - preparation and submission of a grant application.

Services: -consultancy in the field of medical facilities

An educational, training and consulting company focusing on the field of organization and personal productivity.

Psychological counseling and diagnostics, means and techniques for long-term maintenance of energy levels in the body.

Offering advisory and consulting activities as well as financing of international trade.

Activity: - services in the field of control, risk and receivables management

Subsidy consultancy - consulting in the field of obtaining and drawing subsidies from the funds of the European Union and the Czech Republic. - educational projects focused on the development of personal and managerial skills - promotional activity - holding and organizing conferences, seminars and workshops.

Management consulting - marketing - outsourcing.