Take advantage of the advice in the field of human resource management, investment, education, career, human resources, or when changing jobs. Get advice you can even when the interest on the financing of environmental heating or in obtaining subsidies not only on ecological construction.

Services: - business management consultancy - project, process management.

Activity: - advice on the sale and purchase of companies.

Services: - monitoring of data, websites - mass data acquisition - stress tests for web projects.

Services: - business consulting - coaching.

Services: - advice on detecting, managing and managing conflict situations in companies.

Psychological counseling: - personality, partnership counseling - psychotherapy - autogenous training.

Services: - Executive Search - Talent Mapping - Background Check.

Services: - conflict management - facilitation - negotiation - mediation - organizational consulting.

Services: - Public Relations services - brand building - strategic consulting - crisis communication.

Services - personnel consulting - support during the search for a new job - recruitment.

Business consulting - management consulting - project management.

Services - grant advice - implementation of tenders for suppliers.

Services - staff mobility and relocation of workspaces - visa and immigration services - language and intercultural education.

Services: - improving the performance of companies (strategies, processes and projects, marketing and sales) - improving people's performance (personnel management, outsourcing, education) - improving application performance (selection and implementation, performance management)

We are a company engaged in the sale of companies, the establishment of companies, bookkeeping.

Services: - advice and consultation in the field of regional and technical development, strategic planning and education.

Consultancy in the field of drawing subsidies from the EU structural funds, specialization in the industrial, technological and ICT sectors. We provide comprehensive administration of the process of obtaining and maintaining the subsidy - with quality and high success.

Activity: - business, tax consulting, accounting for clients from the film, music and media industries.

Personnel consulting company: - recruitment - search for employees.

Services: - advice on obtaining subsidies - financial advice - consultancy for public administration.

Personnel consulting. Executive search: - direct systematic search for top management, middle management and experts. Management audit: - analysis of weak points in the company's staffing - analysis of psychosocial climate in the company - proposal of measures that serve to set further personnel development, optimize the company's ...

Providing consulting services in business, privatization, financial investment and corporate governance.