Collection of municipal waste, its subsequent sorting, recycling and eventual disposal of mixed and sorted waste are in charge of specialized companies, which are trying with regard to the environment to remove the created waste what the most environmentally friendly way.

Buchen Ekoservis s.r.o.
The supplier Buchen Ekoservis s.r.o. provides services in the field of industrial cleaning of large industrial buildings with the help of suction dredgers and high-pressure equipment. We can clean air coolers, distillation columns, piping systems, silos, pressure vessels and heat exchangers. We are located at Vrchlického 600, Lom u Mostu. Jobs, ...
CANNONEER group s.r.o.
CANNONEER group s.r.o. is focused on purchase, processing, treatment and sale of scrap metal. Our other activities include dismantling, demolition of buildings, recycling of rubble, heavy transport and disposal of transformers. You can find our center in Horní Jiřetín. Purchase, purchase, processing, resale:  - scrap metal  - scrap metal, ...
For more than 15 years, RACIO MOST s.r.o. in the field of technological cleaning and disposal of hazardous waste. The services it provides include technological cleaning of tanks, reservoirs, traps, septic tanks and cesspools. We also provide sewer cleaning, sludge pumping or extraction of dry and loose materials of various types and consistencies ...

Business in the field of hazardous waste management

Services: -cleaning work - communal services -plant care -PO and health and safety -height and assembly work -cleaning and disposal of hazardous waste - technical building management Sale, rental, repair, service: -computing

Purchase, processing: - secondary materials - paper - plastics - metal waste, non-ferrous metals Services: - rental of containers - container transport

Production and sale: - rubber floor tiles made of rubber compounds - surfaces of sports fields, playgrounds made of rubber - rubber tiles - surfaces around outdoor pools - other rubber products according to the customer's request. - remapur, remapur products Services: - repairs and renovation of rubber conveyor belts - ...

Scatter: - disposal, waste processing

Purchase, processing: - metal trash - scrap metal Place of business: Dolní Jiřetín, Nejedlí 2 Place of business: - Former Most Barracks

Services: -storage - logistics -waste disposal Truck transport: - domestic Advertising activity, promotion.

We perform: - recultivation and rehabilitation of areas affected by mining and industrial activity, for technical and biological recultivation of devastated areas and for the establishment and maintenance of orchards and landscaping.