Collection of municipal waste, its subsequent sorting, recycling and eventual disposal of mixed and sorted waste are in charge of specialized companies, which are trying with regard to the environment to remove the created waste what the most environmentally friendly way.

EKO-KOM, a.s. Trideni a recyklace obalovych odpadu
Authorized packaging company The EKO-KOM system provides associated fullfilement obligations for takeback and utilization of packaging waste through systems of sorted waste collection in municipalities and through the activities of persons authorized to dispose waste. The EKO-KOM, a.s. company does not physically deal with the packaging ...
REMIVA, s.r.o. Vyroba plastovych compoundu, regranulatu
REMIVA, s.r.o. is a Czech company from the Zlin region which processes plastic technological wastes from manufacture and recycles plastics into technical plastic chips on a modern recycling line in a new operation. The company is one of the leading manufacturers of regranulates and plastic compounds. One of the products of production is ...
TEMPEL MK s.r.o. Vyrobce industrialni, strojni lepenky
TEMPEL MK s.r.o. Otrokovice is a manufacturing company from the Czech Republic, which is a member state of the European Union. For more than 25 years, the company has been engaged in the production and supply of industrial, machine-made cardboard for various branches of industry - for the furniture, footwear, textile, and printing industries. The ...
IB - MET s.r.o. Zpracovani zeleza a nezeleznych kovu
Our company is engaged in the purchase and disposal of car wrecks and vehicles. We also provide services in the field of scrap metal and ecological disposal of vehicles. We also run a car wreck. Ecological disposal of vehicles, collection of secondary raw materials, sale of used car parts, wrecks, purchase of non-ferrous metals we perform in the ...
HULMAN - kovosrot s.r.o.
Our company HULMAN-kovošrot s.r.o. specializes in the purchase, processing and sale of ferrous and metal waste. Our services also include takeover, processing and subsequent ecological disposal of car wrecks in Pohořelice, Moravský Krumlov, or Ivančice. Our company mainly provides services to dozens of companies producing metal waste and is ...
Firma Centromat s.r.o. in Ostrava provides comprehensive services in the field of waste disposal. We purchase, collection and processing of metal waste, scrap metal and scrap metal. We own modern collection technology and special material treatment machines. Purchase and processing of scrap metal and scrap metal: - scrap metal, scrap metal - ...
Trojek, a.s. Ostrava - Privoz
The company Trojek a.s. in Ostrava, it has been dealing with the management of steel waste and non-ferrous metals since 1995. It specializes in purchase of scrap metal and container scrap collection. Thanks to this fact, it is the most important domestic company in the area. Collection and purchase of waste. Recycling. Demolition ...
Demonta T, s.r.o. - Centrala Vykup kovosrotu, barevnych kovu
Demonta T, s.r.o. focuses on the purchase of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, scrap metal, paper and ecological disposal of vehicles and car wrecks. It ensures ecological disposal of vehicles, end-of-life cars. Manufacturing companies that produce large amounts of scrap metal are offered to buy, transport by delivered containers (even ...
OPAMETAL s.r.o. Kovosrot a sberne suroviny Opava
OPAMETAL sro based in Opava operates metal scrap services. We buy and process iron and metal waste, waste paper, plastics, car wrecks and immobile cars, accumulators, non-ferrous metals and hazardous waste. The services will also take care of shredding sensitive documents certified by the NBÚ (National Security Institute). The company will ...
SEVEROCESKA PAPIRNA, s. r.o. Vyroba a prodej sede strojni lepenky
Our company NORTH BOHEMIA PAPER, s r.o. z Novosedlice is engaged in the production and sale of cardboard or cardboard. We also buy and then recycle waste paper, we also shred. The current production is focused on the production of smooth machine board. You can choose from several colors (gray, brown-gray, brown-brown, white-gray) and weights ...
JANKOSTAV s.r.o. Dopravni stavby Ostrava
Firma JANKOSTAV s.r.o. since 1991 specializes in the construction, repair and reconstruction of transport structures, roads, roads, roads and parking lots. Our long-term experience is a guarantee of quality. Coating plant Since July 2008 we have been producing coated asphalt mixture at our own mixing plant of type AMMANN 80 according to the ...
ROBICONT Robert Lucan Prumyslovy sberny dvur Chropyne
ROBICONT focuses on the delivery and rental of waste containers. We will take care of waste disposal including disposal. We also provide earthwork and excavation work in the region of Kromeriz, Zlin Region. Rental, delivery:  -containers, containers. Operation - industrial collection yard. Services:  - removal and disposal of waste, ...
JM - KOVY s.r.o. Kovosrot Bruntal
Company JM - KOVY s.r.o. in the vicinity of Brantice and Krnov it buys metal scrap, scrap metal and catalysts. Furthermore, the company operates a collection and car wreckage, where ecological disposal of cars, technological units and machines. Services and purchase:  - metal trash  - scrap metal  - non-colored and non-colored metals  - ...
Toyota Tsusho Europe SA Czech Republic Branch trading, logistics
There are divisions of metalworking, production of spare parts and logistics, robotics and project management, chemical processing and electronics and consumer goods in the Czech Republic. Steel department provides supply of steel products, such as rods, wires, pipes and flat products in wide range of versions. We offer these products in ...
Miroslav Slabihoudek Zemni prace Praha zapad
Our company EARTHWORK Miroslav Slabihoudek from Mníšek pod Brdy offers a wide range of services in the field of earthmoving and excavation work including landfill. We also recycle construction waste (rubble). We also provide trucking. We are also engaged in cutting asphalt and soil compaction. We sort and crush demolition waste and excavation ...
Zelina Martin Recyklacni dvur Miskovice, Hulin
The Zelina company provides container transport and performs all earthworks, excavation work and landscaping, demolition and demolition of buildings, including processing and recycling of construction waste. Container transport and all work are carried out in the Zlín Region, Kroměříž, Zlín, Holešov. We are professionals in our ...
Kamenolom Zlutava s.r.o.
Quarry Žlutava s.r.o. carries out recycling and takeover of construction waste, rubble, concrete, landfilling. We are selling crushed stone and stone, Moravian offal, quarry stone. ISO 9001: 2009, ISO 14001: 2005 certified. Takeover, subscription:  - inert excavation soil. Waste recycling:  -building waste, rubble, concrete. Quarry, ...
Autovrakoviste Tecovice AUTO SKLO BATEK, spol. s r.o.
Warehouse, wholesale: -all types of car windows (car windows). Glazing within 24 hours. Sales, retail: -cars of all types -used spare parts for cars. Car service, car repair, service, repair: -cars. Car junkyards, car junkyards: -tel.:731111126, 731111128. Tire service, replacements, balancing, repairs: -tires. Sale: ...
EKOMORAVA Bc. Zdenek Filip
Ecological disposal of cars, commercial vehicles and trucks.
Trojek, a.s. Valasske Mezirici
The company Trojek a.s. s establishment in Valašské Meziříčí provides comprehensive service in the collection, purchase, sale and processing of metal waste. As the most important domestic company is engaged in trading with steel waste and non-ferrous metals. The company is secured by the highest technical equipment in the Czech Republic and is ...
Trojek, a.s. Ostrava - Marianske Hory
Autovrakoviště Trojek, a.s. with an establishment in Ostrava - Mariánské Hory deals with ecological disposal of motor vehicles and car wrecks of all brands, type, age and categories. Car Cemetery in Ostrava:  - equipped with state-of-the-art technology to ensure the environmentally sound treatment of car wrecks,  - securing the workplace with ...
JK Srotmetal - Katerina Osohova zpracovani kovosrotu Uherske Hradiste
Redemption: - iron and non-ferrous metals. If there is a large amount of waste, we will provide free removal of iron and non-ferrous metals.
Trojek, a.s. Otrokovice
The company TROJEK, a.s. with an establishment in Otrokovice in the Zlín Region is engaged in the collection and purchase of steel waste, car batteries and non-ferrous metals. It offers its customers comprehensive services ensured by high technical equipment in the form of modern machines for processing scrap metal, ferrous, non-ferrous and ...
Michal PIRKL Vykup kovoveho odpadu Lanskroun
Purchase of scrap metal:  - stainless steel, cast iron, steel  - waste iron  - Non-ferrous metals  - aluminum, copper, bronze, brass, lead, zinc, tin, etc.  - cables  - disposal of metal structures  - disposal of machinery  - Cable processing  - Delivery of the scrap metal container  - the sale of raw materials to processors and other ...