You want to sell or buy real estate? Real estate agencies you will enable the sale of apartments, sale of houses, leases, sales of commercial buildings – office space, commercial buildings, warehouses and garages and the sale of land, i.e., building plots, gardens and fields.

Real estate agency. Sale and rental of real estate, financial advice.

Real estate agency: - mediation of sales, rental and purchase of all types of real estate - transfers of membership rights and obligations to cooperative apartments - contact with cadastral authorities - provision of construction and expert services assessments, tax advisor - filing a tax return - intermediation of loans and ...

Real estate activities. Reality. Developer

Real estate activity, real estate agency -sale, rental: - apartments - houses - grounds - non-residential premises - expert opinions -consultation, advice - geodetic work

Real estate agency: - the best student housing portal.

Real estate offices. Expert opinions Legal service Consulting in the field of real estate. Sale and rent - terraced family houses - grounds.

Sale of chemical products and raw materials: - delivery brand Metasil - food chemistry, pool chemistry - chemicals for the cosmetic industry - construction chemicals and raw materials, plastics industry Corporate Administration: - information on the establishment and liquidation of the company - sale and purchase of a company - company ...

Activities of accounting consultants, bookkeeping, tax records.

Sale of land including utility networks. Construction of detached and terraced family houses.

Assembly, repairs, revisions and tests of electrical equipment.

Sale: - grounds. Construction of utility networks, investment activity.

Engineering and development activities.

Masonry Construction, alteration and removal - Renting and lending of movable property -Advisory and consulting activities, processing of professional studies and assessments - Designing electrical equipment -Advertising activity, marketing, media representation -Manufacture of electronic components, electrical equipment and manufacture and ...

Services - development activity - apartment construction - Real estate activities