Bus transport offers international and national transport of persons, airport transfers and rental of buses and minibuses, luxury and air-conditioned cars. Read the information about departures of domestic and foreign transport timetables.

Services: -bus service - regular bus service. - truck transport

Road transport: - truck -international and domestic -freight -goods transport. Car park: - MAN tractors - VOLVO tractors - semi-trailers Dispatcher: -international road Transport -Ladislav Habán tel.: 602729979 -Zdeněk Štěpánek Phone: 602539458 -international and domestic transport -Milan Kavlik Phone: ...

Services: -bus service -transportation of people by buses - brands Daf, Karosa and Renault minibuses.

Services: -tour bus transport Sale: -diesel, oils Services: -bus washing

Services: -transportation of people by minibus

Services: - domestic and international bus transport

Services: - transport of people (weddings, boaters, tours)

Private bus transport - national and international

National and international - bus transport - vehicles for 15 and 20 people - passenger transportation

Bus service: -buses of domestic and foreign production (VENTO, NEOPLAN, BODY). International bus transport.

Services - international, domestic bus transport

Services - bus transport, passenger transport - truck transport

Services: - domestic and international bus transport - domestic and international freight transport

Services - national and international bus transport - passenger transport by minibuses

Tourism services Bus service - for groups and tours

Services - international and domestic bus transport

Travel agency Bus service

Services - minibus transport - a taxi - sightseeing tours, transfers to the airport

Services - international and domestic bus tour transport - transportation by passenger cars, minibuses

Services: -bus service: -national, international.

Services - international and domestic bus transport - domestic and foreign freight transport

Services - transportation of individuals and groups - bus service - passenger and freight transport - rental of passenger cars and minibuses - provision of social business and private events, congresses, social evenings

International and domestic passenger transport: - FORD TRANSIT minibuses for 8-14 people - business trips, for foreign visits sports teams, art groups, corporate event at BVV.