Bus transport offers international and national transport of persons, airport transfers and rental of buses and minibuses, luxury and air-conditioned cars. Read the information about departures of domestic and foreign transport timetables.

Personal transport: - transportation of smaller groups of people.

Transport, transportation: -bus service -foreign, international, domestic - vehicles for 17-50 people -Mercedes 17 seats -Bova 50 seats -Karosa 46 seats.

BOVA domestic and international bus transport Cars DAFF, RENAULT MASCOT 7t passenger transport (ŠKODA, VW PASSAT)

Services - national and international bus transport

Services: -driving school -bus service -travel agency

Bus service: -tourist. -school trips. - regular bus service. - domestic (domestic). -international (foreign).

Road transport, transportation: - domestic and international cargo - bus

Services: -bus service: -domestic. -international.

Services: - personal car transport. -passenger transportation. -bus service.

Services: - domestic, international bus transport - truck transport - repairs of trucks and buses - earthworks - cutting asphalt

Minibus transport - FORD TRANSIT and RENAULT MASTER cars for 15 people

Services: -travel agency. -international bus transport.

Repairs - road vehicles Bus service - international - national

Bus service: -international - domestic - public line. Minibuses: -international - domestic.

Bus service: -regular line transport Haulage.

Services - personal transport by minibuses

Bus service - linear - KAROSA bus - capacity of 45 places Road transport - national and international cargo - over 3.5t Truck crane work

Bus service. Tours throughout the Czech Republic and abroad

Services: - minibus transport. -personal transport. - guide service.

Bus transport - foreign, domestic - KAROSA LC 735 and SETRA HD 315 cars Domestic freight transport - VOLVO FH 12, SCANIA 112 H and TATRA T cars - 148 S3