Speed, precision and maximum safety. These specifications apply as for the shipping, so in general for a courier delivery. Transport can take care of both of the classic packages, so the oversized costs or urgent shipments, as a valuable writing and the like.

Services - international and domestic passenger and freight transport - forwarding - freight forwarding.

Services: - car rental - passenger transport - Courier service - fleet management and maintenance

Activity: - transport and courier services in Prague, the Czech Republic and the EU

Services: - international freight transport - express transport - sea and air transport

International shipping company. Forwarding.

Forwarding, forwarding, transport: -national, international -freight, road, air, sea -consignments-piece, full truck -express transport-regular routes. Services: -insurance-transported goods -Customs declaration: -goods-clearance at import, export transit -representation in customs proceedings -security-customs debt ...

We are a transport company specializing mainly in international express transport.

Transport and logistics company - international freight transport - forwarding - logistics - freight forwarding.

Transport services, logistics, services - express transport of goods.

Services: - national and international road haulage - freight forwarding

Services - Courier service - local and international express transport - parcel transport.

Services: - national and international road transport delivery - Courier services - moving

National and international road freight transport. Courier service.

Logistic Services offers: Consignment transport - all modes of transport from any place

BLESK courier has been providing courier services since 2002. Since then, we have safely delivered tens of thousands of shipments to their destination.

Services - logistics - storage - national and international transport of full consignments - express transport of piece consignments - air Transport - Naval transport. Branch: - Fr.Diviše 1516/12, 104 00 Prague 10 - Uhříněves

Courier service up to 1500 kg. Messenger up to 5 kg. Express transport from 1 kg to 6 tons. Cargo taxi.

JAS FORWARDING (Czech) - entry point of JAS Worldwide clients into the Central and Eastern Europe - international forwarding and logistics. Services: Airfreigt, air transport: -air and express cargo -export, import consolidations -charters -"door to door". Ocean freight, carriage by sea: -LCL -FCL -Independent ocean freight ...

The company Panalpina Czech s.r.o. provides forwarding services and their solutions. It offers comprehensive air, sea and road transport services on 6 continents. Panalpina also provides all logistics, warehousing, distribution and customs services. Panalpina operates in more than 75 countries around the world and in other 90 countries it ...

Services: - transport of persons, consignments and supplies

Courier service with national and international operations.

Individual express shipments - air and ground. Focus on maximally urgent shipments and shipments requiring temperature control during transport. Service available 24/7/365 worldwide. Possibility of delivery in many destinations on the same day. Transport: all time-critical materials (spare parts, components, AOG, legal documents, etc.), medical ...

Express transport of parcels (or pallet goods) from the Czech Republic to the entire territory of Slovakia and vice versa to the Czech Republic.

Services: - domestic and international freight transport - removal of parcels