Speed, precision and maximum safety. These specifications apply as for the shipping, so in general for a courier delivery. Transport can take care of both of the classic packages, so the oversized costs or urgent shipments, as a valuable writing and the like.

Road transport, transportation, transportation: - system of express transportation of pieces shipments throughout the Czech Republic and Slovakia - TOPTRANS (delivery time 24 hours) -international and domestic shipping company - forwarding - comprehensive customs services - road truck transport in the Czech Republic and ...

Services - shipping - customs services - storage - forwarding - international freight transport - transportation of full-car and piece shipments - transportation of dangerous and oversized goods

Services: - delivery truck transport - forwarding - courier transport

Courier service. Express shipping of parcels: Transportation: - on a bike, motorcycle, car - from table to table. Prices from CZK 45 to Prague. Discounts up to 20%. Shipments in Prague: - transportation in four modes from 30 min. since order! - Standard - the most widespread mode with delivery within 120 min. since order - Sprint ...

assembly and dispatches document binding data acquisition replacement performance

Distribution of parcels Assisted purchases.

International, domestic freight transport Shipping

Services: -facility management: -building management. - cleaning, security services. - road transport. -migration. -storage services.

Offer of express transport of parcels including storage.

Trucking, international trucking, freight forwarding, earthworks, hazardous waste handling, scrap yard, car rental, shipping

NONSTOP courier service (messenger) - above-standard services. Express shipping of parcels. .

We are a company dealing with international transport and forwarding. We provide our customers with comprehensive services in the field of international and domestic transport of goods. We provide customs declaration and customs management services for contractual partners. We cooperate with qualified design offices and building contractors

Road transport: - express intercity transportation of parcels - Courier services - delivery of shipments on the day they are sent - transportation of letters - documents, packages.

NL PLUS s.r.o. specializes in the express transport of parcels throughout Europe.

We provide transportation. We deal with VAT refunds from the Czech Republic and abroad.

All Ride - express courier service, we transport your parcels around Prague and all over the world. Transportation of parcels by car, motorcycle and bicycle. We accept online registrations and orders. Services: - EXPRESS shipments (delivery within 50 minutes) - SUPER EXPRESS shipments (delivery within 30 minutes) - NIGHT shipments (19:00 ...

UPS-United Parcel Service: - international express dispatch service - worldwide activity - air freight of documents and parcels of goods - full customs service - desk-to-desk - guarateed delivery time - to selected towns in Europe and USA delivery to next day 10:30 a.m. GUARANTEED! - consignments insurance - tracking of consignment is ...

Our goal is to provide high-quality and reliable courier services and use our many years of experience in transporting parcels.

European land transport. Air Transport. Naval transport. Ship transportation. Air Transport Naval transport Ship transportation Integrated logistics.

International transport - all the world. Ocean container transport. Shipowner. Agent of an shipowner. Water transport. Container transport. Sea transport. A.P.Moller group. Shipping line.

Shipping and forwarding: -international and domestic transportation - transport of personal and light commercial vehicles vehicles..

Shipping company, center of the CS EXPRES a.s. transport system: - express delivery of parcels - transport of ADR goods - transportation to and from abroad - customs services - forwarding services - logistics services - storage - sorting - grouping of shipments - distribution activity according to requirements.