Dispatching and forwarding includes national and international transport. It can be divided into road, sea, air and rail transport. Freight forwarding services, as express transport, delivery, export and import, storage are available to all.

Forwarding and logistics. Complete logistics services. Collection service Austria. Connection to the Lagermax distribution network.

DB Schenker is one of the world's leading providers of integrated logistics and global rail forwarding services. Brno branch.

The main focus of NOSRETI a.s., Specialtransport division is comprehensive services in the transportation of heavy and oversized loads. We are specialists in transporting loads weighing up to 800 tonnes. We have 60 years of experience in heavy transport and have a modern and variable vehicle fleet, thanks to which we can transport any load to ...

International shipping, forwarding: - services especially in the field of air and sea transportation.

Shipping, trucking, forwarding: -high quality of the fleet of contracted carriers -constant contact with drivers -transport by "Just in time" method - insurance of goods up to a value of 10 million CZK - complete service in all sectors transport-land transport, air, ship rail transport -haulage - collection service in the CZ, D, NL, B ...

Transport, forwarding, logistics, storage, consulting.

CZECH INTERNATIONAL, a.s. - the most important agency of customs services in the Czech Republic. The company provides full support in all aspects of customs and tax procedures, incl. application preparation and consultancy. In addition to transportation and customs services, it also provides optimal solutions in the area of warehouse and ...

Freight transport, domestic and international, comprehensive transport services. Forwarding. Earthworks, foundation of buildings.

Transport - domestic and international, road freight. Forwarding.

International, domestic shipping, forwarding, transportation: - full truck loads and unit shipments - mining -transportation: - truck, TIR -oversized, heavy loads -ADR dangerous goods (flammables, explosives, corrosives) - transport by low-tonnage vehicles up to 8t (incl. equipped with a hydraulic front), cars and with a towbar up ...

Services. - forwarder, forwarder - delivery of parcels. Truck transport - container transport: - national, domestic - foreign, international .- mainly Italy, Germany, France and Austria. Vehicle fleet: - Daewoo vehicles up to a useful weight of 3500 kg, loading length areas up to 6.6 m - Volkswagen vans - Tatra beta ...

Services. - forwarder, forwarder - delivery of parcels. Truck transport - container transport: - national, domestic - foreign, international .- mainly Italy, Germany, France and Austria.

International, foreign trucking, transportation. Services: - logistics - forwarding services, forwarding - transports, ferries - mining.

Road transport, truck transport: - freight road transport: - domestic, national - foreign, international - transports - forwarding, forwarding services.

Services: - goods transport - express transport and courier service - air Transport - sea transport - logistics - truck transport - forwarding.

International freight forwarding goodsped ensures complete road transport within the whole of Europe. Operator available 24/7. Service offer: -international road Transport -domestic road transport - piece shipments - loading - express road transport -excessive transportation -containers by road - ADR transport. Shipping - ...

Customs services - customs clearance - storage Transportation - piece shipments Logistics International and domestic trucking Forwarding.

International and domestic truck transport Courier service Logistics Excessive traffic International and domestic forwarding

Representation in customs proceedings. Shipping. Forwarding. Optimizing the cost of transporting goods.

Services: -forwarding -forwarding in the Czech Republic and abroad: -complete truck load and individual packages -domestic transport above 100 km invoiced only in one direction -vehicles loading from 3 to 27 tons. Haulage, goods transport: -ten vehicles Avia, 10 pallets, 3 tons -eight vehicles DAF, 15 pallets, 3,6 tons ADR training and ...

Services in the field of forwarding, international truck transport and logistics.

Services: -international road Transport - forwarding -parcel transport.