Dispatching and forwarding includes national and international transport. It can be divided into road, sea, air and rail transport. Freight forwarding services, as express transport, delivery, export and import, storage are available to all.

International shipping and logistics. Transport, transportation: - truck - railway - maritime - aviation - collection service Storage of goods and their distribution. Trade fair logistics. More than 58,000 employees in 900 offices in 100 countries offer complete logistics services.

International forwarding, transport services: -transportation: - air express - standard cargo -sea (piece LCL, container FCL) -customs services and overall logistics in Asia, USA and Europe. Industrial zone - Černovická terrace.

Transport and forwarding company. Transport: -freight - truck -VOLVO, DAF tractors with KRONE semi-trailers, SCHWARZ-MÜLLER - transport of dangerous goods free classes according to the ADR convention. Customs services: -Customs declaration -customs advisory services - customs regulations.

International, internal forwarding, transport, export, import: -www.cargonova.cz -loading -transport: -road haulage -heavy loads -ADR dangerous goods (inflammables, explosives, caustics) -transport by vehicles up to 8t (VW, Ford Tranzit, Iveco, AVIA, cars with trailer up to 24t): -all Europe -specially to these countries: ...