Domestic cargo transportation implements the carriage of conventional shipments, the standard package also exceptional oversized cargo, containers, bulk and liquid substances, both common and dangerous. National transport can be realized in a lump sum or periodically.

Concrete pumping during construction: -family houses -shopping centers -swimming pools -industrial floors -waste water treatment plants. Vehicles: -Liaz, Tatra, Mercedes. 4 concrete pumps.

Container transport. Removal of debris, soil, municipal waste, removal of construction waste. Sale: -building material, sand, gravel, natural stone, crushed stone, firewood, coal.

We provide installation and sale: -construction of family and apartment houses -production and construction of concrete fences -bet concrete fences -wide offer -focused -transport -construction.

Transport: - national and international freight - express delivery Truck transport. Logistics. Shipping: - all over Europe.

Services: - freight truck transport.

Activity: - container truck transport - import of sand, gravel, concrete and removal of rubble and waste

Sale: - firewood, firewood Services: - container transport - removal of rubble, rubble - earthworks - cutting

International road haulage, freight traffic/haul/truckage (provision of transport to all the states in Europe). Inland road haulage. Export - transport of furniture to the Western Europe (box semi-trailers). Forwarding. Logistics. Transport-transportation. Motor transport: -tel.: +420-548122333 (German speaking countries) -tel.: ...

Activity: - road transport - earthworks, excavation work.

Container transport. Road cleaning and maintenance: -machine sweeping of roads -machine removal of dog excrement.

PETROTRANS was founded in 1997 and is currently owned by the UNIPETROL holding. The company deals with special automobile tank transport, especially the transport of liquid petroleum products: - fuel - aviation and technical petrol - kerosene - heating, engine, transmission and industrial oils - alcohol.

Services: - national and international road transport

Services - national and international road freight transport - delivery of consignments - moving.

Road transport: - domestic transport - international transport - forwarding. Storage space. Service: - repairs of all motor vehicles - tire service for trucks and cars - hand washing of trucks.

Services - bus transportation - national and international freight transport. Sale of tires - new tires for cars, trucks and tractors. Agricultural services - combine harvesting.

Road transport: - freight - delivery - national, international - Courier services - moving Services: - bank, non-bank loans - insurance

Sunny pension, boarding house. Accommodations: - capacity of 15 beds. Cafe.

Earth and excavation works - foundation excavations - excavations for engineering networks (water pipeline, gas pipeline, sewerage) - excavation of pools - terrain work - demolition. Road transport - import of gravel, sand and soil.

Domestic and international road transport.

International and domestic shipping - ensuring transport, transport of whole car loads and piece consignments, consignments within the whole of Europe. Main destinations - Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Poland, Czech Republic. Vehicles of all types of trucks. Ensuring controlled transportation of goods temperature, temperature and ...