Domestic cargo transportation implements the carriage of conventional shipments, the standard package also exceptional oversized cargo, containers, bulk and liquid substances, both common and dangerous. National transport can be realized in a lump sum or periodically.

We offer ground and excavation work, demolition, cleaning and dredging of ditches and streams. Preparatory work for constructions, excavation of foundations, pools, ponds and treatment plants. Landscaping. We also provide container transport, import of sand, gravel, concrete. Removal of construction debris and soil.

Services: - container transport Work: -ground

We operate international and domestic road freight transport. Road transport. courier and forwarding company Logistics storage of goods Transportation of parcels.

Domestic and international freight transport.

Services: - domestic road transport -building management - implementation of constructions

Services: - container transport - removal of sand, gravel, rubble

Services: -transport - logistics - forwarding

Services: -rail transport - road transport -city transport -water transport

Services: - international and domestic truck transport

Construction, transport and trading company. Holder of the ČSN quality system certificate EN ISO 9001:2001 and the Environmental Management System Certificate ČSN EN ISO 14001:2005. Demolition, debris removal, earthworks. Buildings: -utilities -roads and paved areas - railway sidings. Waste management incl. dangerous. Recycling: - ...

Car bazaar, sale: - personal cars Importation: - cars from abroad. Towing service Haulage. Service: - all mechanical work - plumbing work - painting work - car electrical works including diagnostics - preparation and execution of technical inspection.

Haulage Buildings preparation for construction, construction industry. Sale of firewood. We sell the following types of firewood: -Oak-wood -Beech wood -hornbeam wood - birch wood -pine wood -spruce wood.

Road transport, carrying out excavation, ground, terrain, demolition, masonry and construction works (construction of engineering networks, foundation slabs, laying of interlocking paving, construction of gabions, etc.). Container road transport, removal of rubble, soil, import of sand, gravel, etc.

Services: -freight container transport. - ground work.

Transportation of bulk materials and agricultural crops. Road transport.

Transport and logistics company: - transportation of piece and pallet shipments - air and sea transport -storage -outsourcing of logistics -customs representation.

Express delivery of parcels from house to house throughout the Czech Republic within 24 hours and Slovakia within 24 hours Bratislava, other destinations within 48 hours. Transportation of shipments from 0.1 kg - 5000 kg. Services for the districts of Kolín, Kutná Hora, Benešov: - transport, express, courier, extraction -storage and ...

Express delivery of parcels from house to house throughout the Czech Republic within 24 hours and SR within 24 hours Bratislava within 48 hours other destinations. Transportation of shipments from 0.1 kg - 5000 kg. Services for the districts of Kolín, Kutná Hora, Benešov: - transport, express, courier, extraction -storage and distribution of ...

Truck transport. Transportation of container exchange superstructures. (BDF) Tire service, passenger, cargo, utility, tractors, containers Car service, repairs of gearboxes for trucks. Headquarters and billing address: Měinin 580

Road transport: - truck -international and domestic -freight -goods transport. Car park: - MAN tractors - VOLVO tractors - semi-trailers Dispatcher: -international road Transport -Ladislav Habán tel.: 602729979 -Zdeněk Štěpánek Phone: 602539458 -international and domestic transport -Milan Kavlik Phone: ...

Car scrap yard, sale of used spare parts. Ecological disposal of vehicles: handling - free removal. Purchase of scrap iron, cast iron, non-ferrous metals, aluminum and car batteries. Purchase of deregistered car wrecks - free removal. Delivery of a container for the removal of debris and iron scrap. Towing service on call, phone: ...

Wholesale, retail, sales, delivery -building materials, construction material - extended assortment. -bricks - insulating materials, cardboard, polystyrene -plasterboards -welded nets -construction chemistry -colors -dry plaster mixes, mortars, facades -roof coverings -windows (including roof), doors -pavement - construction ...

Road transport, transport, transport of bulk, bulk and material materials. Import, export of loose materials. Trucks available, with lifts.