Domestic cargo transportation implements the carriage of conventional shipments, the standard package also exceptional oversized cargo, containers, bulk and liquid substances, both common and dangerous. National transport can be realized in a lump sum or periodically.

The company APEKO CZ s.r.o. focuses on road freight transport. Transports cargo, material, unit shipments and much more.

Truck transport. We will ensure: - transport by TATRA or LIAZ dump trucks (import of sand, gravel, soil, etc.) -if necessary, we will provide all other equipment.

Road transport for builders and companies - we offer transport of bulk and other materials.

Services, road transport in the Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia: -transport of piece consignments -transport of max. 5 people -expression courier services -transport of pets ttransfery at the airport -freight transport and handling with a hydraulic arm -other to order.

Services: - trucking - industrial moving of machines - oversized transports, including accompanying vehicles - assembly, disassembly of machines, production lines - packaging of machines Rental, hire: - crane with operator, from 28 tons to 700 tons - VZV up to a load capacity of 18 tons

Construction work: -ground work -transport -transport of material, bulk materials -construction of engineering networks -Foundation of buildings, foundations of buildings, slope buckets -loading of material and its removal (loose) -cleaning work (construction site) -construction of communication -land terrain (terrain slope) -paving work ...

Services - bus transportation - national and international freight transport. Sale of tires - new tires for cars, trucks and tractors. Agricultural services - combine harvesting.

Sunny pension, boarding house. Accommodations: - capacity of 15 beds. Cafe.

Private transport office - mediation of all types of transport throughout the Czech Republic and abroad - settlement of the entire agenda - road transport, transport - logistics center

Car repair shop, service: - vehicle repairs -motor vehicles, automobiles -tire service. Road transport of cargo up to 24 tons.