Domestic cargo transportation implements the carriage of conventional shipments, the standard package also exceptional oversized cargo, containers, bulk and liquid substances, both common and dangerous. National transport can be realized in a lump sum or periodically.

Road transport, truck cranes, cranes: -national -car crane on chassis TATRA 815, 3x 815, AD20T (load capacity 20 tons) 1x148 -car crane AD20T (load capacity 20 tons), range 29m. GROVE GMK 2035.

Services: -translation, storage -international road transport, forwarding -tire service -service truck.

road transport, construction, repair of roads, sidewalks, excavation of swimming pools, garden ponds, sumps, cellars, excavation of foundations for family and commercial buildings, removal of rubble, dirt, household waste, snow - import of sand, gravel, stone, building material - demolition and demolition work with removal - cleaning and snow ...

Sawmill, woodworking: - sale, cutting of lumber, lumber - sale of prisms, prisms of all sizes up to a maximum length of 12 meters - boards, board up to 25, 28, 30 mm thick - planks, plank thickness 34, 40, 50, 60 mm -roof battens-30/50 length 4.5 meters -cutting, cutting logs. Fuel, impregnation, planing: - sale of firewood, firewood in ...

Wholesale, retail: - spare parts for AVIA cars - AVIA cars. Car repair shop, service, services: -AVIA vehicles -repairs of aggregates in an exchangeable manner - general repairs - engines, gearboxes Road transport: - domestic Disposal of vehicles Purchase of vehicles Preparing vehicles for MOT

Earthworks and landscaping, comparison and modeling of land for companies, municipalities and individuals around Znojmo. Excavations of engineering networks. Compaction of the terrain using an iron. Road transport of bulk building materials (gravel, sand).

Haulage - national and international.

Construction work, craft: - complete buildings - ground work -joinery -carpentry -roofing -plumbing -locksmithery. Road transport: -freight transport, LIAZ with hand. Woodworking: -wood cutting.

Agricultural production. Livestock production, breeding: -poultry (chicken broilers) -pigs (production of our own sows) -cattle -crocodiles. Plant production, growing: -agricultural products, crops -cereals, feeding variety -oilseed rape (treatment in our own oil pressing plant) -corn -soya (40% share of republic-wide ...