Domestic cargo transportation implements the carriage of conventional shipments, the standard package also exceptional oversized cargo, containers, bulk and liquid substances, both common and dangerous. National transport can be realized in a lump sum or periodically.

Services - international and domestic truck transport, specialization in chilled and frozen goods

Services - storage and distribution - logistics - international and domestic freight transport - forwarding

Services - international and domestic bus transport - domestic and foreign freight transport

Services: -domestic, international truck transport. - forwarding.

Services - truck transport - international, domestic - van transport - international, domestic - moving - transportation of goods, sand, stones - removal of rubble and waste

Activity: - domestic and international truck transport

Services - DELIVERIES ONLY - delivery of goods to companies and households

Construction, construction: - civil buildings - industrial buildings - residential buildings -reconstruction Design activity. Work: - plumbing - heating - locksmith -plumbing -painting, painting -electrical installation Services: - domestic truck transport

Excavation and earthworks. Transportation and storage of bulk materials. Mechanization and transport: - earthworks - machine and manual - road transport - freight and passenger - demolition - laying engineering networks - laying interlocking paving - drainage of buildings and land.

Delivery, repair, service: - water management facilities for treatment and distribution of drinking water Services: - installation of water meters - truck transport - replacement supply of drinking water, water import, filling of swimming pools phone: 272 172 537, 601 394 730, 602 213 154 - balancing of waste pits phone: 601 394 730, 602 ...

Services: - truck transport with hydraulic arm

Services: -national and international transport - forwarding -collection service -car service -tire service - manual car washing

Our services include: - electro-subsidiary measurement - property maintenance - transport - metalwork.

Ship transportation Haulage Forwarding activity

Transportation of medical and technical gases for gas companies. We transport: - cooled and liquefied gases in tanks - ethylene, helium, compressed hydrogen.

Work: - construction. Services: - road transport. Rental: - construction machinery.

Moving apartments, offices, family houses, etc., both within the Czech Republic and abroad. Air cargo outside European countries. Freight transport in the Czech Republic and abroad.

Wholesale, retail, specialized retail, e-shop, e-shop, i-shop, ishop, sale of building chemicals, pool and pond chemicals, household chemicals and cleaners, foams, sealants, silicones, adhesives, additives, AdBlue, DRYZONE specialized material for waterproofing and road repair program Road transport of passengers and goods Storage services, ...

We offer the following services: - comprehensive moving services - clearance - road transport - Mercedes 207D sail, van 1.5 tons. Migration: - apartments - family houses - companies and offices in Prague and the entire Czech Republic - heavy loads and more. Clearance: - premises - apartments - cellars - soil - ...

Road transport. We offer quality services in the field of domestic and international road transport. Our services also include express cargo transportation and moving throughout the Czech Republic and the entire EU. We provide cargo transportation for both companies and private individuals.

Container road transport VS-EKOPRAG s.r.o. offers you cooperation and services in the field of removal and disposal of waste throughout the greater Prague area. Containers 3 - 40 m3. We buy wood and glass. We operate collection yards for citizens.

Transportation of small and medium loads. Provision of international and domestic truck transport and forwarding..

Lorries: - freight transport - transportation / transportation of excessive loads earth and demolition work