Domestic cargo transportation implements the carriage of conventional shipments, the standard package also exceptional oversized cargo, containers, bulk and liquid substances, both common and dangerous. National transport can be realized in a lump sum or periodically.

Services: - road transport -ship transportation -air Transport

International truck transport - forwarding - domestic and international road transport.

Services: - domestic, international truck transport - forwarding

Services: - domestic, international truck transport - storage

Work: -excavation -reconstruction - transport of gravel, sand -removal of rubble and waste

Exclusive representation: - VAN HOOL buses Sale: - spare parts for buses Assurance: - freight transport (domestic and international)

Transport, forwarding, shipping. Extraction of vehicles, processing of customs formalities, declarations. Transportation: - international - national - piece shipments.

Construction activity: -supplies of buildings, - reconstruction of buildings. Freight transport and road transport.

Provision of road transport.

Construction company EVEN s.r.o. realizes complete constructions and earthworks. Turnkey apartment and family houses, or their parts (baseboards, linings, machine plasters, etc.), complete ZTV (earthwork, sewerage, communication, interlocking paving). Road transport.

Wholesale, sales, deliveries, transport: - fuel gasoline - Special BA91 - Super BA96 - Natural BA95N - diesel fuel NM - light fuel oils LTO - TTO heavy fuel oils - plastic lubricants - lubricating oils. Transportation of petroleum products: - product pipelines - railway tanks - road tankers. Filling, ...

Forwarding company providing transportation worldwide, using a reliable network of agents. International and domestic freight transport - air, rail and sea container transport, forwarding, customs services and storage.

Waste processing, collection yard - waste transfer station - cleaning black waterfalls - container freight transport. Sale and removal of sand and gravel.

Service - personal cars Domestic and international transport Domestic and international transport Processing - waste of animal origin Sanitation services

Operation of road freight transport and towing services. Transportation using hydraulic arm and hydraulic platform from TISCHER. We transport construction machines, assembly platforms, power plants, forklifts, cars and other loads by agreement.

Cleaning and removal of waste, delivery of sand, gravel and other material.

Transport and forwarding services. We currently have approx. 17 vehicles of various capacities: - vans, cargo and large-capacity vehicles - trucks. We transport goods throughout the Czech Republic and to more than 11 other European countries: - express transport with own vehicles - trucks - Sola flatbeds - transport of dangerous ...

Express delivery of parcels from house to house throughout the Czech Republic within 24 hours and Slovakia within 24 hours, Bratislava within 48 hours hours remaining at the destination. Transportation of shipments from 0.1 kg - 5000 kg. Services for the districts of Kolín, Kutná Hora, Benesov: - transport, express, courier, extraction ...

Long-distance truck transport. Haulage - solo vehicles 8 - 12t - trailer and semi-trailer sets 27t.