Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Production and sale of firewood, firewood. Offer of international transport, transport of goods.

Transport - international - national Production - home accessories Construction activity.

Haulage: - international and national - moving.

International and domestic freight transport, dangerous goods. Consulting in the field of transportation of dangerous goods, security advisor.

Shipping, shipping, transportation: - throughout the Czech Republic and in all EU countries - from piece shipments of approx. 100 kg up to complete load - 24 tons. - transportation of goods or materials, bulk cargo, thermal shipments, full or partial. Vehicles: -1.5 tons - 24 tons Building materials - retail, wholesale, ...

Pickup: - debris, debris. Demolition, demolition work. Earthworks by UNC and SCHAEFF machines: - trenches for laying pipelines - landscaping.

Logistics, domestic and international transport, excess cargo. Lease: - cranes. Production: - metallurgical material and stainless steel products - shape firings. Supplier of metallurgical material.

Road freight transport in the Czech Republic and abroad mainly heavy and oversized loads.

Transport - international and domestic bus - KAROSA, MERCEDES buses - international and domestic cargo up to 24t - MAN, DAF, SCANIA cars In the summer, mowing grass along the roads - in winter, snow removal from land communications (using plows).

Services: - goods transport - express transport and courier service - air Transport - sea transport - logistics - truck transport - forwarding.

Road transport - international - national - transportation of machines and cargo up to 43t Earthwork - landscaping and cleaning, skid steer loader BOBCAT 773, mini excavators CAT ZRH 14, ZRH 16, wide track excavators CAT 312 CL, 312 C, walk-behind excavator SHAEFF HS 41M Water management constructions and works Sewerage Editing - ...

Services: - international truck transport by all types of vehicles - domestic truck transport - ADR transport (dangerous goods) - special transports by thermo, mega and oversized transport vehicles - mediation of air and sea transport - mediation of customs services at CÚ Brno and Blansko.

Truck transport - national Demolition Earthwork - preparatory work for buildings.

Automotive electrical work Container road transport

Transport, transportation of goods: -domestic and international road transport - express delivery of goods throughout the EU -regular lines for the EU, especially Italy, Germany, Slovenia, Switzerland and other IVECO, MAN, VW cars. Set of up to 33 pallets up to 11 t maximum. Customs agency and collection services.

Construction company, services: - utilities - roads and paved surfaces - drainage of communication - demolition - other land structures - earthworks - reconstruction. Road transport: - removal of rubble and sand - import of all building materials.

Container transport. Moving services, moving. Debris removal.