Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Road transport, freight transport, -removal of construction debris -import of loose materials -construction activity - containers - road transport - container transport -excavation work -recycling -rental of machines. Circuit of building construction -repairs and reconstruction of buildings - sidewalks, parking and ...

Realization of oil and gas wells to depths of up to 5000m, including well rigging and pumping tests. Drilling wells for water and for geothermal use. Drilling, rigging and repairs of pressure-sampling probes for underground gas reservoirs. Underground repairs of probes. Non-destructive defescopy of materials, tools and equipment, special ...

Construction activity, sales, retail: Facades, facade: -facade plasters, plasters and paints - insulation and modifications, modification of facades -modification of plinths, plinths -calligraphy - tiling works. Interior and exterior paintings: -painting and painting works -painting, painting - troweling of plaster - ...

Truck transport and for excessive transport. Container road transport. Transport engineering constructions. Construction and earthworks, demolition.

Transport, transportation: - domestic and international freight transport - express shipments - loading system - complete costs - logistics, storage - the whole EU.

Transport, shipping: - international and national. Warehousing and logistics. Express delivery of small parcels by delivery throughout Europe and the Czech Republic.

Transport - furniture Moving services Construction - kitchen counters - furniture.

Road transport. Rental of containers. Sale and delivery of sand, gravel, rubble, stone, coal and cement. Export of waste and debris up to 7 tons.

Services in the field of forwarding, international truck transport and logistics.

Road transport, transportation: - domestic -trailers-sail. Viticulture.

Domestic and international freight transport

Road transport, express delivery, passenger transport. Operation of express domestic and international road transport vehicles from 1 kg to 3.5 tons. Offer of moving, assistance services and transportation of people by minibuses.

Road motor transport. National, domestic and international truck transport, transportation. Transportation of cargo, goods - 3 tons to 27 tons. Transport by special bulk carriers dump trucks. Forwarding activity, forwarding, extraction. Car park - brands MAN, LIAZ, TATRA and AVIA. In addition to semi-trailers and trailer tarpaulin vehicles, ...

Truck transport. Earthwork with a small backhoe loader.

International and domestic freight transport: -specialization in the transportation of dangerous goods ADR costs.

Earth and excavation work, container transport. Production: -earth and excavation work -excavation of foundations, inclusion work -terrain modifications (leveling and sloping of the terrain) -Preparatory work.

Work: - ground, construction. Services: -haulage.

Services: -international road Transport - forwarding -parcel transport.

International shipping and logistics. Transport, transportation: - truck - railway - maritime - aviation - collection service Storage of goods and their distribution. Trade fair logistics. More than 58,000 employees in 900 offices in 100 countries offer complete logistics services.

Services: - moving apartments and companies in Brno, throughout the Czech Republic, and to Slovakia - truck transport within the Czech Republic and Slovakia - service of vehicles of all brands.