Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Transport, shipping, forwarding 7 days a week: - personal cars - minibuses, minibuses - freight, delivery up to 3t, Czech Republic and abroad - AVIA box, hydraulic front, flatbed - tipper-containers-Avia 3t, Liaz 8t. - lift 1, 8 tons-payload Moving-domestic, foreign-professional disassembly, assembly, packaging: - furniture - ...

Services: - forwarding - international road transport

Services: - national and international transport, transport within the EU - storage incl. handling techniques - forwarding services - logistics

Forwarding, forwarding, transport: -national, international -freight, road, air, sea -consignments-piece, full truck -express transport-regular routes. Services: -insurance-transported goods -Customs declaration: -goods-clearance at import, export transit -representation in customs proceedings -security-customs debt ...

We provide containers for waste, sand, gravel, concrete, demolition, earthworks, excavation, digging, demolition work.

We are a transport company specializing mainly in international express transport.

Transport and logistics company - international freight transport - forwarding - logistics - freight forwarding.

Transport and logistics services - national and international freight transport by vehicles weighing up to 6.5 t.

Wholesale of fruits and vegetables - import of fruits, vegetables, herbs, mushrooms, exotic fruits. Trucking - international truck transport - transport of fruit, vegetables and food.

Services: - national and international road haulage - freight forwarding

International forwarding: - express transport of consignments - full trucks - piece - customs services.

Services - international and domestic truck transport - forwarding.

Services: - truck transport with hydraulic arm - crane work.

Services: - removal of waste and debris - excavation work

Road transport, earthworks - earthworks and demolition work - removal of debris and waste - container transport.

Services: - rail transport - air freight - Naval transport - land transport.

Services: - earthworks and excavations - crane work - trucking - rental of small construction machinery Car rental: - passenger and commercial vehicles.

Services - international road Transport - parcel transport.

Jobs, services: - demolition, demolition - ground - trucking - storage and recycling of rubble, soil, concrete. Sale: - sand, gravel, aggregates.

National and international road freight transport. Courier service.

Dopravní společnost MV přeprava s.r.o. focuses on container freight and transportation of bulk materials. We also provide earthworks, demolition and demolition work on a smaller scale. We cooperate with many domestic construction companies, to which we provide comprehensive services in the field of transport and rental of heavy machinery and ...