Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Transport, road transport, transportation: - road transport: -freight national and international DAF, AVIA -international truck -commercial trucking -express transport CS EXPRESS: - phone: 736624210 - piece shipments to the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Services: - mediation of express international transport: - piece ...

Production and sale of firewood. Delivery service - Courier service - freight transport up to 3.5 t.

Domestic transport of various goods - we focus primarily on transport under controlled temperature. International transport and collection service - Slovakia, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain. We provide complete logistics, including warehousing and distribution.

Lease: - truck mounted cranes - construction machinery - assembly basket and self-balancing pallet forks. We operate the following cranes: - GROVE GMK 3055, TATRA 815 AD28, TATRA 815 AD20T 3 pcs, TATRA 148 DS 18. Transport Transport of oversized loads, machines and equipment using stretch semitrailers. Transport of materials, steel ...

BOHEMIA transport cz s.r.o. is one of the largest providers of comprehensive transport services, especially in the field of special and oversized transport. The company was founded in 1995 and to this day remains fully in the hands of the original owners. The core services we provide to our customers are international and domestic transport, ...

Collective farm. Sale: -unprocessed agricultural products. Lease: -agricultural machinery, equipment. Retail, sale: -foodstuffs Transport: -domestic freight LIAZ.

Production, sale: - chopped firewood for fireplaces, stoves, boilers - logs, lumber, sawdust. Trucking, transport of timber to the customer's home. Container transport with a hydraulic arm - transport of bulk materials, rubble and construction waste. Handling work with a hydraulic arm. Residence: - Noise, Pod Sádkama 1552.

Regional building materials. Sales of gravel, sand and aggregates with transport from 100 kg to 26 tons. Building material, lost formwork, well rings, concrete, insulation, SDK, cement, adhesives, construction chemicals, tools, and more. We provide earthworks and excavations, landscaping, sloping and loading materials with a crawler mini ...

National and international truck transport Personal transport. Courier transport. Towing Service - Driver assistance service. Storage and transportation of weapons, ammunition.

Autodoprava KAMEX, spol. s r.o. ensures the transport of piece or full truckload consignments. The main activity of the company is forwarding, international, sea, air transport and piece shipments Toptrans, moving and assembly of furniture. We also provide customs declarations and representation in customs proceedings, container transport, ...

Construction and trading company. Construction activity: - housing, civil, industrial construction, earthworks, demolition, reconstruction. Services: - architectural, engineering, design. Road transport, transport, transportation: - truck up to 3, 5t tipper - container freight up to 7t - earthworks Rental, hire: - ...

Trucking. Transport: - building materials - gravel, stones, rubble, sand, concrete - construction mechanization - transport of cars, trucks, tractors.

Production, sale: -cut chopped firewood. Jobs, services: -hazardous felling of trees -maintenance of greenery - parks, gardens. Road transport, transport, transportation: -wood delivery.

Road transport with Tatra and Scania dump trucks. Excavation and earthworks, demolition.

Mibutrans: - international, foreign and domestic, domestic road transport - transport of goods, including ADR transport of dangerous goods. Fleet: - Delivery flatbed or cabinet - trucks up to 12 tons flatbed or box - trucks over 12 tons flatbed or box - tractor flatbed or refrigerator truck. Car service. Repair, service: - ...

Transport company - international freight transport - freight forwarding.

Sale of coal - address: Školní statek, Velehradská 1467, 686 03 Staré Město. Trucking - container truck transport - import of building materials. - address: Školní statek, Velehradská 1467, 686 03 Staré Město.

Agricultural production: -animal, cows, milk. Road transport: -freight -agricultural machinery. Repair: -agricultural machinery. Accounting.

Construction and trading company TUFÍR, spol. s r.o. operates in the district of Uherské Hradiště and the Zlín Region. It focuses on civil, industrial, water management structures, civil engineering, roads, paved areas. CONSTRUCTION AND TRADING COMPANY ISO 9001: 2001 ISO 14001 Construction activity, construction, building, constructions, ...

Services: - trucking - car service - tire service

Services: - national and international freight transport

Activity: - excavation and earthworks - container truck transport

Truck transport: - national - international - moving

Services - domestic and international freight transport - truck transport.

Services - haulage - bulk transportation - forwarding.