Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Earth and excavation works: -removal of construction material - transportation of construction equipment - Land reclamation - Removal of debris, material -terrain work - digging foundations. Place of business: - Staré Město, Velehradská 2162 - ZD Dolina complex.

International truck transport shipping within the whole of Europe, including Scandinavia and Russia transportation of dangerous goods in ADR mode transportation of oversized loads large volume shipments of 100 cbm and 120 cbm Truck crane work LIEBHERR mobile cranes with a capacity from 28t to 500t trained truck ...

Container transport Transportation - piece shipments Air Transport Sea transport Logistics consultancy Haulage - transport of dangerous goods ADR - transportation of bulk commodities Haulage - transportation of oversized loads

Road transport, transportation, transportation: -national (domestic), international (foreign): - FORD TRANSIT truck -personal: -minibus with air conditioning for 15 people - for 9 people with cargo space.

Custom production: - steel structures - transport systems for automobiles industry, railings, balconies and steel structures. Wholesale, sales, repair, assembly: - stable equipment for pork and beef cattle. Truck transport.

Wholesale, sale: -building material: - POROTHERM bricks, blocks, modular block, wreath, U - profile, load-bearing and non-load-bearing lintels, load-bearing blinds lintels, roof and ceiling boards, thermal armor, paintings, plasters -roof windows VELUX, PRIMA FENESTRA -roof coverings. -BRAMAC, CEMBRIT, KM BETA, RANNILA STEEL, ...

Road transport, transport, transportation: - domestic road freight (domestic): - for entrepreneurs and private individuals -cars: -AVIA foldable - three-sided tipper. Import, delivery, transportation: - loose building material (gravel, sand, crushed stone, macadam and other types) -coal -concrete -wood -earth ...

International and domestic freight transport: - semi-trailers DAF, LIAZ, sets up to a total weight of 25 tons and 8 tons - express delivery of small parcels abroad by Volkswagen VENTO.

Road transport, transportation, transportation: -freight: - international and national.

BLOK gas station: - Bojkovice, Nádražní 831, phone: 572641336. Construction company. Work: -construction: -civil, industrial buildings -ground: - bulldozer, crane, assembly platform, tractor -well digging - locksmith, locksmith, locksmith -cleaning of roads, halls: - IFA car. Rental of container tubs for the removal of ...

Freight transport, storage, transshipment 30 km from SK

Road transport, transport, transportation: -freight: - domestic -international Work: - LIAZ, TATRA car repair -carrying out the issue, MOT in the agreed time. The possibility of advertising on company cars.