Take advantage of road, rail, shipping or air transport. Please inform yourself about the current situation on Czech roads and highways, about the possibilities of traffic jams, closures and detours. Find timetables and information about delays of trains or buses.

Road transport - freezer and refrigerator cars 250 kg - 25t

Shipping goods around the world: - haulage - sea transport - air Transport

Taxi, taxi service non-stop operation. Service offer: - computer-controlled dispatch - we offer non-stop operation of the radio control room - we will be happy to take you to your destination throughout Europe. - we are ready to transport your shipment to where you need it - if you want to travel in your car, but you don't dare to ...

Haulage. Transport forwarding services. Complete forwarding services for securing exhibitions and fairs in the country and abroad.

Road motor transport - freight operated by vehicles or vehicles with the largest permitted weight not exceeding 3.5 tons, if they are intended for the transport of animals or goods.

Services - truck transport - transportation of sand, crushed stone of all fractions, concrete and building material.

Services: - truck transport, car with hydraulic arm Branches: - Dolní Břežany, Zlatníky

Services: - container transport - removal of debris, waste, sand, gravel

Services - domestic and international van transport - moving.

Transport services, transportation: - truck transport - truck - aviation - maritime - railway - storage - customs services

Services - domestic and international truck transport - personal transport - forwarding - logistics - storage.

Activity: - domestic and international truck transport up to 1.5t - cargo space for 4 euro pallets

Services - personal car transport by luxury car - transporting people to the airport - sightseeing tours around Prague - individual transportation.

Services: - foreign truck transport - forwarding

Services: - moving - cleaning of apartments - passenger transport (Citroën Évasion).

Services: - a taxi - transportation from the airport or train station

Activity: - van truck transport - moving

Truck transport - domestic transport of goods.

Services - truck transport - debris and waste removal - demolition - earthworks.

Services - container freight transport - transportation of bulk building materials.

Sale: - sand - gravel - duckling Services: - removal and disposal of waste - container transport - earthworks - rental of construction machinery

Delivery - horizontal road markings - vertical road markings, sales and installation - foldable lockable parking barriers - speed bumps - traffic mirrors installation and disassembly - speed bumps, retarders rental - traffic signs