Take advantage of road, rail, shipping or air transport. Please inform yourself about the current situation on Czech roads and highways, about the possibilities of traffic jams, closures and detours. Find timetables and information about delays of trains or buses.

cargo-partner is a private company that has been successfully operating in the market of international transport and logistics for more than three decades. The company's turnover in 2015 was 540 million euros, and more than 2,300 employees from branches throughout Western, Central and Eastern Europe, North-East and South-East Asia, the countries ...

Naval transport: - high-quality and fast shipping to and from all over the world - FCL and LCL container shipments - all types of containers - cooperation with all shipping lines - direct connection with the shipping agent's agents - contract forwarder in Hamburg and Koper - connection to the worldwide LCL service.

Road transport: - international road Transport - domestic transport - delivery - tarpaulin trucks, refrigerated trucks - vans, box vans - export, import - oversized shipments.

Forwarding, shipping, transport: - national, international - cargo, road, air, sea - consignments-units, whole wagons - express transport - regular routes. Services: - insurance-transported goods - Customs declaration - representation in customs proceedings - security-customs debt - payment-customs, tax with re-invoicing.

Transportation: - rubble - soil - building materials Service: - incinerators - boiler rooms - boiler Earth and excavation works

Express transport of parcels (or pallet goods) from the Czech Republic to the entire territory of Slovakia and vice versa to the Czech Republic.

Services: - delivery and collection of sea containers from the North German ports of Hamburg, Bremmerhaven - container transport

We operate domestic and international transport. Transportation by small buses for up to 20 people. Ensuring incoming, transfers, sightseeing tours. Transportation to congresses, company events, school trips, for travel agencies. Also shuttle and regular transport

International transport by refrigerated and freezer trucks.

Services - provider of flight and ground support services - handling and ground support, clearance requests and flight planning.

Logistics - transport, delivery of fresh fish, seafood and chilled food.

Construction activity, construction: - family houses - reconstruction - ground and excavation work Services: - height work - truck transport, debris removal Hostel At Hellada 498/3 Prague 4

Wholesale - metallurgical material and non-ferrous metals - briquettes, pellets - construction chemistry. Scaffolding rental. Logistics, storage.

Services - international and domestic cargo container transport - forwarding.

Services: - domestic and international freight transport - removal of parcels

We move apartments, offices, companies and warehouses. We move pianos, safes, clean out cellars, estates, take unnecessary things to the collection yard.

Rental of cars and vans Flight tickets Security - customs services Transportation - piece shipments Haulage - international - national.